➽─Part Thirty Eight─❥

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You walked through the entrance to the large hall, your inner self trying to steady your racing heartbeat as you looked out at all the people - each and every one of them appearing as though they were advanced experts of some sort, far more accomplished than you.

Stop, (Y/N), this is not the time to doubt yourself.

Several people turned their heads your way, and you could feel the burning stares piercing right through you. There was no doubt about the fact that everyone was inwardly questioning why you were there - but you paid no mind to that.

For someone that was a nervous wreck, you held yourself together quite well.

But if only they could see what was going in my head.

Along the perimeters of the room, you could see countless projects, in the form of three-dimensional models that were presumably designed to support particular theories and papers that had been patented. It was easy for you to arrive at that conclusion, because as you passed by a few models, you could see their accompanying theories displayed next to it - bound together for observers to browse through.

Each project sported a significantly thick binder beside it, along with a single sheet of paper that provided a much more brief summary - for those that preferred less of an explanation.

Most of the creations exceeded some of your most imaginitive theories, inspiring you to keep learning.

With folded arms, you strolled over to one of the display tables, studying a model that was intended to illustrate a theory that contradicted many of the ones Professor Hansen was known to believe to be the most plausible, prodding at your sense of interest. You smiled to yourself, imagining how triggered Professor Hansen would have been if he had been there himself.

"So what do you think?" a strange female voice spoke up from behind you, making you spin around with a slight gasp.

Your eyes landed on the figure of a tall woman, who appeared to have been in her mid-thirties. She had blonde hair that fell in perfected waves to her shoulders, and her skin was lighter in colour, possessing a radiance to it that struck you as....unique. She looked both stern and friendly at the same time, and you really didn't know what to make out of her cold blue eyes that felt as if they were staring into your soul.

There was an intense energy of authority surrounding her, but she also seemed...familiar, in some way.

"I'm sorry?" you frowned a little.

"The model," she gestured to the construction you had been looking at, a glass of champagne in her hand. "What do you think about what you've seen so far?" she took a sip of her drink whilst waiting for your answer.

"It's....alright," you nodded a little.

She raised an eyebrow, now seeming even more concentrated. "Alright?" she pulled the glass away from her lips.

You shrugged, glancing back at the creation before turning your attention back to her. "It's....creative..." you trailed off. "And it would have been groundbreaking if it had at least a bit of logic in its supporting theory," you raised your eyebrows.

She cocked her head to the side subtly, an intrigued smirk pulling along her lips. "My, it seems as if you don't quite appreciate it,"

"You are correct," you answered. "I don't. If a theory is going to be as daring as this one is, it ought to have the solid research to back it up. From what I've seen, this particular project has neither a solid compilation of research nor the basic logic it requires,"

She couldn't help a baffled laugh as she scanned you from head to toe. "You're here on Professor Hansen's behalf, aren't you?"

Breaking into a smile, you confirmed it for her. "Yes,"

"I can tell - his blunt ways have rubbed off on you a little," she chuckled, pausing for a moment before she extended her hand. "I'm Dr. Helena Grayson," she introduced. "The creator of that project," she motioned to the creation that you had more or less rubbished.

"Oh my God," you whispered, unable to stop your jaw from falling open.

"(Y/N), right?" she asked. "I've heard a bit about you,"

"I am....so sorry," you grimaced.

"Sorry for what? For what you said, or because you said it in front of me?" she quizzed.

Biting your lip, you could do nothing but stay honest. "I'm sorry for saying it in front of you," you admitted. "Not...necessarily for what I said - because I....I really do feel that way,"

She nodded to her still extended hand, reminding you that you hadn't reciprocated her gesture.

"Oh," you shook her hand hastily before pulling back.

"Don't feel awkward," she laughed again. "I'm not upset by what you said. In fact, I'm impressed," she shook her head, piercing eyes still on you. "I have never come across someone so young that was ready to defy me like that. Most of my understudies don't have spines of their own," she rolled her eyes. "I like your quiet confidence,"

"If I didn't feel awkward a few seconds ago, I sure feel awkward now," you chuckled nervously. "That's extremely kind of you to say,"

"I like that you're humble as well," she observed. "Brains, beauty, and humility," she continued to scan you. "You have a lot to give,"

But the manner in which she had spoken the last few words sounded a little....peculiar, almost as if she was implying something else.

Before you had time to analyze that further, she had pulled out a small business card from the pocket of her dress, handing it to you.

"I'd like to....pick your brain sometime, and perhaps work with you in the future if you continue to impress me," she held your gaze for an intense, drawn-out minute as you took the card from her. "I hope to receive a call from you soon," she kept her ominous gaze lingering one last time before she turned to walk away, disappearing into the crowd once more.

A little overwhelmed, you looked down at the business card, noting that it bore all her professional details - the most obvious one being her work number.

Some part of you was elated that you'd already established a vital contact on your first representation for Professor Hansen - but there was another part of you that couldn't shake off how strange she seemed.

She was so odd, yet so familiar.

How do I really feel about this?

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