➜─Part Thirty Seven─❥

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"Girl, I can't believe you're here, at this point!" Luisa giggled as you put on your chic black coat, finishing off the professional look you'd been going for.

All too quickly, the night of the convention had arrived, and given that you had two amazing best friends - Mason had agreed to drive you to the venue, and Luisa had agreed to help you prepare for your big evening out. Of course, Luisa would have loved to accompany you for the drive to the place, but she'd had a bit of classwork that she'd needed to finish, so helping you get ready was all the she could do - and that was more than enough for you.

Inside, you were a bundle of misplaced nerves, your subconscious hoping and praying that you didn't screw it up.

At the present moment, you were still waiting for Mason to arrive so that he could take you down to the venue.

"I mean I always knew you had it in you, but it's happened so fast that it feels as if only yesterday-" she stopped herself, groaning at carelessness.

It was obvious that she hadn't meant to get so carried away. Breaking into a reassuring smile, you moved to face her.

"He had just left?" you completed her sentence for her.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I...I shouldn't have let my mouth run off like that," she shook her head. "Just ignore what I said, please,"

"Hey, it's alright," you walked over to sit down beside her on the mattress. "You don't need to treat it like it's something that needs to be unspoken anymore," you shrugged. "I've...moved on, and done things with my life that I never thought I'd been able to do before," you laughed a little. "I think I've left that part of my life behind,"

"Have you really?" she inquired curiously.

You lowered your gaze, your head also lowering slightly. "Whatever happened...happened, and....even though I have always cared for him deeply - I care for myself more. I care for my friends and family more. I don't want to dwell on what happened. Perhaps I'll never be able to forget what happened, but I sure can look back on it now without wanting to burst into tears," you grinned.

Before Luisa could respond, there was a knock at the door, followed by the sound of Mason's voice announcing that he was there.

Luisa smiled, quickly pulling you into an embrace as she rubbed your back.

"All the best, (Y/N) - I just want you to know that I'm so proud of you,"


As Mason brought the car to a stop outside of the event complex that he had driven you to, you turned to face him with a smile. He had brought the engine to a stop as well so that he could address you, the two of you sharing a special moment.

"Before you go in there, (Y/N)...I just want you to know that I'm extremely proud of you," he managed a small smile. "I know we've had our rough moments, but....I want you to know that you'll always be the sister I never had, and I...love you very much,"

Your smile flickered a little, but only because you had gotten a bit emotional at that point. He laughed as you waved him off whilst fighting back your tears.

"Stop, I can't go in there looking like I just had the heartbreak of my life," you snickered, to which he responded with a snicker in return.

"I'm....glad that we rekindled our friendship, and I'm....sorry for all that I put you through when-"

"Mason, there's no need to apologize," you shook your head, making him smile again. "I know we had a bit of a rough patch...but I promise I'll never hit you again," you broke into a giggle.

"Oh my goodness! I still remember that evening like it was yesterday!" he exclaimed.

"Mhm, you better not break my sister's heart or I'll do a lot worse to you," you raised an eyebrow.

"Yes ma'am," he straightened up as though he were a soldier, commanded by his senior.

You opened your mouth to respond, but you noticed something, or rather someone from the corner of your eye. Feeling as if you were being watched, you tensed up, turning your head in the direction you could feel the presence in.

From your seat, you could see a path of bushes that stood against the front wall of the event building, which would have been the perfect place for someone to go unseen.

Right as you spun your head, you could have sworn that you'd seen the splitting glimpse of a female figure disappearing behind the shrubs, but you couldn't have been sure.

"(Y/N)? You okay?" Mason inquired carefully, trying to see what you did.

"Uh...." you trailed off. "Y-Yeah," you frowned.

This is my imagination messing with me on one of the most important nights of my life.

Coincidentally, your eyes also shifted to the large, open entrance of the building - seeing that it was already quite crowded. From the number of people seen inside the hall, you could conclude that you needed to get in there as soon as possible before you wound up late.

"I should get in there now," you turned back to Mason, reaching out to give him a hug. "Thank you for everything," you let out a breath.

"Thank you for everything," he patted your back before pulling back. "Agh, why does it sound like we're giving each other our final farewell?" he scrunched his face up. "I'm going to come and pick you up at midnight, yes?"

"Yep, I'll be waiting," you opened the door, thanking him again as you got out.

"Stay safe, and remember that you're the smartest girl in there - don't be frightened," he encouraged. "Show them how it's done,"

"I'll try," you waved before pushing the door shut and turning around to look at the event hall in all its glory. "Well, this is it - I hope nothing goes wrong,"

Because really, what could go wrong now?

The answer was a lot, a whole lot.

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