➽─Part Thirty Six─❥

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A few months had passed, and slowly your life had gotten back on track - far better than it had ever been. You'd made huge improvements with regard to your academic work, and you'd even secured yourself the job of a junior assistant to Professor Hansen that you assumed whenever you were on your semester breaks.

Everyone had gradually managed to remember less and less of what you had once been entangled with, and you were glad to say that even you had begun to remember it much less. As the days and weeks had gone by, the memories of him had begun to morph into vague pieces of an imagination that you had nearly lost your entire self in at a vulnerable point in your life. In a way, it felt good to finally have been detaching yourself from those recollections, because doing so had helped you carry on with your life the way that you needed to.

You'd also managed to mend your friendship with Mason, even though his brother was still dealing with the legal case against him. Though there was still a part of you that constantly felt guilty for what happened, you tried to make up for that by helping Mason as best you could, doing everything possible to aid him in getting Charles acquitted - something that was working out very well for the both of you. Helping Charles regain his freedom was one of the things that kept you going, largely due to the fact that it helped you feel less guilty about his situation. Being there to help felt as though you were able to right a great wrong.

And it had helped you build a stronger friendship with Mason, so you really couldn't complain.

Luisa and Mason had started dating not too long after Michael had left, and seeing them together made your days a little brighter.

Things were going great, and even though there were times where you felt hopeless - you kept pushing yourself to do better. As long as it was out of sight, it was out of mind.

"(Y/N), still here I see," Professor Hansen remarked as he walked into the office, his eyes noting that you were still at your little work desk.

Now that you were in the middle of one of your semester breaks, you were working for Professor Hansen until you were set to resume classes, and though you never thought you'd have ever said it - you were enjoying working with him. Over time, you had come to learn that he wasn't all that formidable, and that most of what he showed toward you was tough love. He had turned into somewhat of a father figure that you could look to for guidance. But, that didn't mean he didn't still have traits about him that got under your skin.

"Of course, I always aim to do my best," you looked up from the paperwork you'd been sorting out.

"I'm impressed," he managed a small smile, walking further into his office. "I'm very impressed with the tremendous growth you've shown these past few months, (Y/N)," he nodded. "I'm delighted to see confidence in you that wasn't there before,"

"I can only hope to learn from the best," you motioned to him. "But even then, I haven't even begun to compare to my mentor,"

"Take the compliment, (Y/N), because I don't ever give it twice," he almost sounded as if he was chastising you, making you laugh.

Working closely with him had moulded you into a stronger person than you had been before, giving you the stability you didn't even know you'd needed until you'd caught hold of it.

"Then consider it taken," you flashed him a smile before directing your attention back to your papers.

"Good," he replied curtly before he walked over to his own desk, shuffling through a few of his documents before he glanced up at you. "(Y/N)," he stated, forcing you to look up again.

"Yes?" you raised your eyebrows as politely as possible.

He gave you a momentary, thoughtful look before he caught hold of a piece of paper from his desk, walking over to you to place atop your own desk. With an intrigued gaze, you lowered your eyes to study the content of the paper, a joyful smile taking over your lips when you understood what it was.

It was the official invitation to the science convention that you had only ever dreamed of being able to attend when you'd first begun studying in Professor Hansen's class, as only the best of the best students on campus were able to attend - and the campus was huge. There were many students that could have qualified, some much older and far more experienced than you - and yet here you were, being presented with the invitation.

Your gaze shot back up to him, and had a knowing smile on his face. The whole moment was overwhelming, because you also knew that receiving the invitation from him carried a lot of weight.

"Are you serious?" you couldn't help but blurt out with a laugh.

He nodded, keeping his smile as subtle as possible. "Just as I don't ever hand out compliments twice, I also don't extend such opportunities to just anyone," he explained. "And you won't be attending as a student," he raised an eyebrow.

Your jaw fell open as you gawked at him in disbelief.

"You'll be attending on my behalf," he continued. "So I expect your composure to be immaculate. I have great faith in you,"

"Professor Hansen," you shook your head as you prepared to thank him.

"Don't get too sentimental now," he held his hand up, making you roll your eyes. "I have no time for such...pleasantries," he turned around again, proceeding to head to his desk to retrieve a new set of books. "But the convention is tomorrow, so do prepare yourself well," he added nonchalantly. "You'll be rubbing shoulders with people far more abrupt than I," he glanced at you yet again as he held his books close to him, heading toward the door once more. "So be reminded - do not go in unprepared," he warned.

"Got it," you nodded vigorously, still insanely delighted that Professor Hansen had nurtured such immense faith in your abilities.

It also made you even more sure about yourself, and that you would be better than just alright.

Professor Hansen opened the door, and your eyes fell back to the invitation on your desk, your ear-to-ear grin plastered on your face as though it could very well have been permanent.

"(Y/N)," he called again, summoning your attention once more. When you were focused on him, he gave you one last, barely visible smile. "You've done well,"

Then, he pulled the door shut, already knowing that you would squeal to yourself about what had just happened. And indeed, you let out a laugh as you stared at the piece of paper before you.

You'd managed to make so much progress since the day you had decided to move on, and you were now convinced that things would only get better.

What could possibly go wrong now?

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