➽─Part Twenty Four─❥

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You hadn't seen Michael until your next class with him, which you had been required to attend before you were allowed to withdraw from his class altogether. After consulting your academic counselor, you had been informed that you would be granted a crossover to a compulsory science subject once you completed your last math class for the week - which was the present one with Michael. Since you needed your grade to be as relatively unblemished as possible, you'd had to suck it up and be present for the math class that you would have preferred not to attend - especially considering the way you had announced your withdrawal.

But, it was just one class - it couldn't have been to difficult to show up.

As you entered the lecture hall five minutes early, you were promptly greeted by the sounds of chatter and light laughter from the students that had already assembled in the theater. There were only five minutes to spare, so everyone had long branched out into their individual spaces, some settling down on their own, and some in clusters of friends. Given that the layout of the hall was a downward slope from the entrance point, you could see Michael at the bottom - where he always was, standing at his station with his head down. It appeared as though he was reading through something, considerably distracted.

Most of your preferred spots to sit in were occupied, you were forced to scan the area to pick out a slot where you could sit. Naturally, you hadn't been able to do this without a few whispers as you moved along.

"Well look who it is,"

"Didn't she throw herself at Professor Jackson the other night?"

"Who would have thought?"

In the mix of it all, you'd also heard some murmurs about the upcoming dance, questions flying about with regard to whom Michael would intend to ask.

"Perhaps another teacher,"

"No, I heard most of the teachers have already been paired off, he's one of the last ones to ask someone to accompany him,"

"Alright," he spoke softly into the microphone, rather absentmindedly, his eyes still fixated on the papers in front of him. "Can I have everyone seated, please,"

Once you found a spot toward the left side of the hall, you sat down, hoping to get it all over with. Although, you could not stop your stare for lingering on him for a second too long.

"Professor Jackson, have you decided on whom you're taking to the dance?" one of the female students right up in front, Kim, asked.

He looked up, a little surprised at the question, but not as annoyed as he usually would be - and you wondered whether or not it had something to do with your encounter in his office.

For a split second, his eyes flickered to you, then away again, wordlessly indicating that he had seen you.

"Ah, well," he scanned the rest of the students with a startled, barely visible smile - becoming aware that every girl present wished to know whom he was taking. "I don't think that's what we're here to talk about this morning,"

"Oh you have to tell us!" another female student chimed in, making you snicker as you watched him grow awkward.

"Have you decided on anyone?" yet another female student inquired.

As the questions stacked up, you shifted your attention to your book bag, fishing out your notebook just in case you needed to take notes of something important.

For the first time, Michael looked nervous as the girls continued to question him, and you found it pretty amusing.

But as always, he knew how to turn the situation around real quick.

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