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Brittany's POV
The feeling doesn't last. She pushes herself back, and holds up a hand to her mouth. I read her face, and all I can see is sheer panic.
"Shit Brittany I'm so sorry. That was dumb and stupid and I'm so-"
I stand up and press my lips to hers. They silence her, and she relaxes. We pull apart eventually, breathing slightly heavier than usual.

"That was..-"
"Wow. I didn't know you..-"
"I didn't either. And do you..?"
"Yes. I really like you. Maybe as more than a friend."
Santana almost whispers. There's a slight wrinkle on her forehead from her frown, and I slip my hands into hers. We sit down on the sofa and face each other. She slides her legs up so that they rest just above my shoulder, and I lean back.

"So. Santana. Are you a lesbian, or bi, or pan, or unlabelled?"
"I'm not sure. I've never..you're the first girl I've ever kissed. And I'm kind of confused."
"That's okay. And by the way, you're a really good kisser. Seriously, that was amazing."
"I like you Brittany. You make me smile, and I feel like you're the best thing in this miserable place. But if you don't feel the same way, then that's cool, except not really because I've just confessed my feelings and they're being thrown back in my face."
"Please say you like me back. Please." She pleads. But I've already made my decision.
"Of course I like you back. You're my best friend, and you understand me. Nobody here listens to me the way that you do. And I love everything about you, from your late night shopping trips to that amazing pasta you make, to the posters on your wall, to your amazing eyes."

Wow. I knew I liked her, but I didn't realise I liked her this much. Yet here I am, listing off things I like about her. No, not like. Love.

"Really? Even though I'm a horrible person to you and like everyone else?"
"You're a really sweet person. It's obvious to me. And apparently I'm some sort of genius so that's why I can see it."
"My test scores came in. My brain is operating on a higher level from everyone else's. I know how to do maths, just like on a different standard. Equations and stuff."

I didn't bring it up because, to be honest, it's not that big a deal. Being good at maths isn't going to help my relationship with Santana. But judging by her expression, it's kind of a big deal.

"Damn B. So not only have I kissed a girl, I've kissed a genius. Go me!"
"You dork."

I giggle, and she laughs back.

"So do we date or what?"
"I'm not sure. This is all completely new."
"Same here. For the record, Puck doesn't count as a relationship. Shit, I need to break up with him."
"Yeah. Do that. Then we can talk about what to do next. But just know that I really, really, really like you. A lot." I confess. She smiles, and I can see the dimples appear in her cheeks. She nods her head.
"Got it."

The movie finishes, and the credits play, along with an ancient love song. Santana's eyes light up, and she grabs my hands, pulling me to my feet.
"I love this song! Dance with me."

I'm never the person to say no to a dance. I rest one hand on her lower back, and we move in time. As the song picks up pace, I twirl her around and then we join hands and spin in crazy circles. I'm laughing, and so is she. This is perfect. We're perfect.

I trip over her foot and we collapse to the ground, laughing. She lands on top of me and knocks the air out of me, making me double over. Our hands are still intertwined, and our legs are tangled as well. She props herself up on one elbow and looks down at me. She doesn't say anything, just looks.

"What does this mean for us?" She finally asks, her voice barely more than a whisper. The joy from a few seconds ago has gone, and she looks younger, and scared.
"Does it mean more kisses, and just being closer? Or does it mean going on dates. And do I have to introduce you to my family, because I can't do that."
"Shh, it's okay. Breathe."
"Brittany, I don't know. I don't know how to do this, and you're a girl, which makes everything more difficult, even though I like you more than anyone else I've ever-"
"Stop. It's going to be okay. Trust me."

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