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Brittany's POV
The girl, who I now know as Santana, blushes and gets off me. "Sorry." She says, and offers me her hand. I take it and she pulls me off the ground.
"It's fine. At least we won't have to worry about anyone breaking in!" I reply. She half smiles and walks back through to the bedroom. I follow her, and sit the leaflets I collected on my desk.

"Have you been here long?" I ask, wanting to make conversation. She shrugs "Not that long. I've just finished unpacking." I'm not sure what she means by unpacking. The closet still only has my clothes in it, and the only signs of her actually being here are the pictures she tacked up on her pinboard.

After sitting in an awkward silence, I make an effort to start a conversation. "So, where are you from?" I ask her. She looks up at me "Lima, Ohio. You don't need to pretend you've heard of it." I shrug "I've never been. Is it nice?" She wrinkles her nose "I guess. But it's literally tiny, only one high school. Where are you from?"

"Connecticut." She nods, looking impressed "I've always wanted to go." I don't really know how to respond to that, and I guess she doesn't either, so she leans down and pulls out her suitcase from under her bed. It's still fully packed. She catches me looking at it and looks a little embarrassed.

"I can't be bothered unpacking. My Mami would literally kill me, but she's not here so I can do what I want. It looks so lazy compared to you though. Did you arrive here yesterday or something?" I shake my head "nope. I arrived this morning." She shrugs and lifts out some clothes "I'm going to shower. Feel free to unpack my stuff, you seem to be a pro at it."

And with that, she grabs a bundle of clothes and sashays- literally sashays- out the room. After a few minutes, I hear the water come on from the bathroom next door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and lie back on my bed.

I honestly don't know what to think of her. She seems nice, but sort of sarcastic? I guess first impressions are hard. She did, literally, knock me off my feet. And she is really, really, pretty. Long dark hair, huge brown eyes, and full pink lips. But I don't even know if she's into girls. It would be cool if she was, but she probably isn't.

I get off my bed and go over to hers, to get a better look at her pictures she stuck up. There's a poster of Amy Winehouse, one of her with her graduating class, several pictures of her with the same blonde girl (possibly her girlfriend?) and a picture of her with two teens and a younger looking kid. They must be her siblings, they all have the same smile.

I go back over to my side of the room and open up my other bag. I packed all the supplies for college in there, so I'll get them set up on my desk. There's new pens, pencils, highlighters, and a few notebooks. I also have my laptop and a folder, for loose paper. By the time I finish setting it all up, the shower in the next room has shut off. Santana appears a few minutes later, squeezing the water from her hair.

She sits on the bed opposite me and sits down her towel, then offers me her hand.

"We didn't have the best first impression, so let's start over. Hi, I'm Santana Lopez, I'm 18, and I'm from Ohio."
I wait a second, then take her hand and shake it.
"Nice to meet you Santana. I'm Brittany, I'm 19, and I'm from Connecticut."

She nods and goes back over to her bed. "So, do you know anyone here?" She asks, looking up at the ceiling. I shake my head "Nope, just me. But I've joined some clubs to make new friends." She nods, and walks over to my desk, picking up the leaflets I had sat there.

"Are you going to join any of them?" I ask her. She shakes her head "Nope. I don't really join clubs. I'm here to have a good time, and party."

I feel kind of disappointed at that. I guess we're just not similar at all. I don't really do parties, and if you couldn't already tell, I join clubs for things to do at the weekend. Maybe me and Santana can sort of change each other. I could make her join some clubs, and she could take me along to parties. In high school, she was like one of the girls I would have avoided. But now, I'm going to put myself out there.

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