"I know," Derek laughed.

"Oh God," Meredith rolled her eyes. "Don't inflate his ego even more."

"But...you're totally going to have to help me when I have to take the boards," Lexie said.

"You don't need his help," Meredith rolled her eyes. "You and your stupid photographic memory."

"Wow," Derek raised his eyebrows. "Someone's in a mood."

"Sorry," Meredith sighed. "I was just...I didn't even realize that you were even thinking about leaving the city. And I'm really glad that you're staying because we can stay together. And Lexie was talking about her dad, and I had a student throw up all over the floor of the classroom today. So it was just a long day."

"Hmmm," Derek nodded. "Well, I do believe that I owe you a dinner. And since you had a bad day, I'll pamper you all night."

Meredith smiled softly as she tilted her head into his. "Thank you," she whispered.

"My pleasure," Derek murmured. He turned to look at the cart and nodded in approval. "Good job, Mer."

"I can grocery shop," Meredith rolled her eyes as she pushed the cart towards the check out.

Derek smiled as he helped her begin to unload the groceries onto the belt. "This wasn't on my list," he said as he held up a can of whipped cream.

"I know," Meredith murmured, sliding closer to him. "I figured we could use it for... desert."

"Oh," Derek breathed as he swallowed hard and nodded. "Okay."

Meredith giggled as Lexie blushed furiously from beside her. "Meredith," she whispered. "We're in public."

"I know but it's fun," Meredith giggled. "Look at how red his face is."

"Okay, that's just...disturbing," Lexie shook her head.

Before any of them could say anything else, a voice from behind them said, "Derek? Is that you?"

All three of them turned, and Derek's eyes widened. "Rose," he said.

"Hi," she smiled awkwardly, her eyes falling to Meredith and Lexie for a moment before she turned back to Derek. "It's good to see you."

"You too," Derek smiled softly. "How's life at the hospital?"

"It's good," she smiled. "I um...I know this is awkward, but I just saw you and wanted to say hi, but...yeah. So hi."

Derek smiled as he nodded to her. "Um...This is Meredith and Lexie," he said, wondering whether it was spiteful to tell Rose that Meredith was his girlfriend. "Mer, Lexie, this is Rose."

"Rose," Meredith nodded, a slight smile spreading across her face. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too," Rose nodded slightly. "Look, I'm going to go, but...it was good to see you."

"Thanks," Derek smiled. "You too."

Rose smiled as she turned to walk away, and Meredith turned to look at Derek with raised eyebrows. "So that's the ex, huh?" she asked.

"You dated her?" Lexie asked.

Derek laughed as he reached for Meredith's hand. "She's nice," he said. "Not as nice as my amazing new girlfriend, but...she's part of my past." He ducked his head close to Meredith as he asked softly. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "I'm fine. Let's just...pay and go home so we can eat. I'm starving."

"I'll drive your car home," Lexie offered, reaching for Meredith's keys. "You ride with Derek."

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