For how much longer can I hold out...?

He felt sick. He didn't want to feed again. His body barely felt like his anymore, he felt used and disgusting and just... empty.

Would it truly be so bad if I just let go, after all...?

But the thought hurt just as much as it tempted him. He didn't want to just disappear knowing no one would even notice, let alone mourn his loss – but then again, it's not like he had any hope of ever finding anyone who'd care about him in the first place, so was fighting to stay alive really worth it...?

"—kay? Hey! Wake up!"

Felix's eyes fluttered open, his sight a little blurred before it eventually came into focus. He was confused. Had he passed out? He was now lying on the ground, that much was obvious, but he couldn't remember how or when he got there.

"Hey!" Oh, right. Someone was calling out to him. "Are you alright?"

"'m fine," he mumbled, forcing himself to sit up, only to sway a bit in place.

"Hey, hey, don't push yourself!" protested the stranger, instantly moving to support Felix's back before he could collapse again. "What's wrong? Do you want me to call someone for you?"

Felix weakly shook his head. "Don't- don't have anyone to call... I- I'm sorry for the trouble, I'll be fine. I'm just hungry, is all..."

He finally managed to regain enough of his senses to look at the stranger. He was surprised to find a boy around his age, with squishy cheeks and wide, worried eyes – most probably a Witch or a Warlock, if his navy blue hair full of sparkles was anything to go by.

He's pretty...

"Hungry?" echoed the other, perking up. "I can help with that! Come on, my place is just a few minutes away. My boyfriend makes a killer lasagna, I'm sure you'll love it!"

"It- it's fine—"

"No, no, come on! I promise it's not far from here! Come on, I'll help you!"

Felix couldn't do much against the stubborn stranger, and he was too weak to really fight back, at that point. So, he let the boy help him back to his feet and, slinging one of Felix's arms around his shoulders to better support him, the two of them then started making their way in the direction of the stranger's place.

What the hell have I gotten myself into...?


"There you go! Hope you'll like it, it's my favorite!"

The stranger, who belatedly introduced himself as Jisung, served a fuming plate of lasagna to Felix. The freckled boy licked his lips as the heavenly smell of melted cheese filled his nose and, while painfully aware that it wouldn't settle his hunger in the least, he still picked up the fork and took a first bite.

It really was delicious. It was just a shame that it wasn't satisfying him at all.

Still, Jisung was looking at him so expectantly, and Felix didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. Jisung obviously believed him to be a normal human – which was normal, seeing as he used a glamour during the day to hide his natural allure and his Demon-like traits like his black eyes and his sharper teeth – and Felix wanted to relish in that moment of normality he knew wouldn't last. There was no harm in it, really. Felix would enjoy the meal so kindly offered, thank Jisung for his time and aid, and then go on his merry way and never see the boy again.

Easy-peasy, right?

"We're home!!!"

Felix stiffened as a new voice echoed from the lobby, soon followed by another one – two men, most probably Jisung's boyfriends (the other had been gushing about them on their entire way to his flat). He knew one of them was a Vampire, and the other was a Werewolf, but that didn't tell him much in terms of how they'd react to a perfect stranger eating in their home...

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें