—Ophelia Pierce was 17 when her mother Lucinda Pierce, and father Apollo Pierce disappeared with her to America. They returned alone, and lost their lives bravely in the fight against Lord Voldemort. Ophelia's whereabouts are unknown, but she has been obliviated of all memories containing magic and Hogwarts, along with her friends and family. Her name has been changed for safety precautions and her life is now amongst muggles. She is presumed to be dead by anyone who once knew her.

"Where did you get this?" Dru asked, trying her hardest to not believe what she was reading.

"Andromeda Tonks. Draco Malfoy's aunt. You may know her by the name of Annie. She was a friend of your mothers." Hermione told her, and Dru felt her eyes swell with tears as she looked up at her. "We have been searching for you for over a year now, since Andromeda had given us a potion revealing who you were."

"Why would she do that? I mean, if all of this is true, why do I even matter in the grand scheme of things?" Dru scoffed, feeling betrayed by everyone. If the woman she thought was her aunt could lie to her, then was Draco as well? Hermione hesitated.

"We don't know." It sounded dishonest, but Dru had more things to worry about in this moment. Like trying to recall who the hell she actually was.

"I know. It's confusing and we are going to try to get that potion for you. But in the meantime, we need to test your magic." Hermione insisted as Dru handed back the book, shaking her head. She had been lied to her whole life. She didn't even know herself.

"I'm sorry, this is just— wow." Was all Dru could manage to say.

"We've acquired a wand for you. It may not be yours per say, as that's never been recovered, but it's better than nothing." Hermione retrieved the wand from her pocket and handed it to her. Taking a quill, she set it on the bedside table. "Now, I'd like you to try this for me, alright?" Dru couldn't even think right now. Her mind was a jumbled mess as she couldn't figure out what was happening. "Dru, please." Hermione begged and Dru looked to her, then to the quill. Situating herself on the bed, she pointed the wand at the quill. "Now, you're going to swish, like this," Hermione held her wand and moved her wrist in a swishing motion. "Then flick." And Dru watched the hand movements. Dru then copied her flawlessly. "Amazing, Dru! Truly! So now, I need you to repeat after me. Wingaurdium leviosa."

"Wingaurdium leviosah." Dru repeated, slightly off with the annunciation, and swishing and flicking the wand. It didn't work, so Dru began shaking the wand at it. "Is it broken?" She asked.

"No, you're pronouncing it wrong. It's leviOHsa, not leviosah." Hermione shook her head.

"LeviOHsa." Dru repeated, looking to Hermione for approval.

"Yes. Now, continue." Ron could tell that Hermione was a bit too excited for this, but he enjoyed watching her teach others. It also finally got her off his back a little.

"Wingaurdium leviosa." Dru stated exactly as Hermione had done. But nothing happened still. "I think it's broken, guys." She said to them.

"It's not broken!" Hermione insisted. "Your mind just isn't in the right place, Dru, you need to focus!"

"Oh yeah, because that's totally easy to do right now." Dru rolled her eyes, giving it one more try. But still, nothing. "See, not a witch. Can I go home now?" Hermione groaned, frustrated with herself, but even more so with Dru and her lack of passion.

"I have a better idea. How about we just take a break and introduce you to the rest of us?" Ron spoke up finally. Dru and Hermione agreed, and Dru stood up, following them out the door. She looked around the large house, seeing a side door to her left that she could easily escape from. But then again, a house full of wizards doesn't make for much of a fair or easy fight. She'd wait until the best moment.

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