The door was then swung open as the warmth that the house emanated immediately reached your skin. Without even waiting to greet him, you threw yourself onto him and buried your head in his chest, your arms wrapping tightly around his waist as if you were afraid that he would disappear and leave you all alone on that cold winter night.

"(Y/N)?" Karma stammered, his voice full of shock.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," you choked, tears running down your cheeks. "I-I didn't know where else to go."

Karma's eyes were wide in shock as he took in your appearance. You were full of scratches and your hands, knees and elbows were covered in blood and dirt. Your hair was probably a mess and your face was full of tears.

All of a sudden, you felt a strong pair of arms sweep you off your feet and carry you bridal style. Karma pulled you inside, his lips pressing tightly together as he stared straight ahead. His eyes were lost in thought and you were sure you could see the gears turning inside his head.

Karma then placed you down on the sofa. His eyebrows were furrowed, his jaw clenched and his face had contorted into one full of anger and fury.

"What happened?"

You remained silent as his mercury eyes were locked on your figure, waiting for you to answer him. You immediately looked away and nervously bit your bottom lip. You felt embarrassed honestly. Embarrassed that he had to see you in this state. Embarrassed that you were always dumping all your problems on him. You didn't want him to worry but here you were...

"Who did this to you (Y/N)?" He insisted, his voice low and dripping with venom as a dark aura seemed to emanate from him.

"I-I fell."

"Was it your parents?"

"No, no, I-I really did fall," you stuttered as your whole body began to tremble.

You knew he meant well but, because of the condition and mental state you were currently in, the only thing his anger was doing right now was scaring you.

Karma seemed to pick up on this as he turned around so that you couldn't see him. You saw him let out a loud sigh as the tension in his fist, which had been clenched so tightly his knuckles had turned white, slowly dissipated. He then took a deep breath before turning around and facing you once again.

His eyebrows were still furrowed, his jaw was still clenched and his mercury eyes lacked that familiar mischievous spark but he at least no longer had that murderous glare on him.

Karma proceeded to crouch down so that you were at the same height. It was dead silent as he took your hands in his and slowly began inspecting your injuries. After a few seconds, he stood up, your gaze lingering on his figure as you watched him leave the room.

"I just think that, from now on, it's best if I'm in charge of her education."

"I mentored Akiro as I saw fit. Ever since elementary school, Akiro has been at the top of his class. In fact, he was such an exceptional student that he skipped a grade."

You inhaled sharply, your father's words ringing inside your head. Your father... he hadn't changed...

The only reason why he had been slowly paying more attention to you was just because you won. You won the ice skating competition and you achieved third spot at finals. If it weren't for that, he still wouldn't have acknowledged you.

You slowly shook your head and hoped this was all just a bad dream. But it wasn't. This was real and you were suffering the consequences.

All this time, you had been wrong. You had misunderstood the whole situation. Your father wasn't changing. He had only been paying attention to you because he wanted to take you under his wing, to mold you into his ideal child. Just like he had molded Akiro...

Karma x Reader || AppearancesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon