The Anthropological Collection

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Dear Reader,

The Collection presents the audience with a variety of research proposals, topics, and projects written for classroom or scholarary settings. With a background in Anthropology, the author hopes to enlighten readers with new opinions, ideas and research relaying various topics from different behaviorial and social perspectives.

Many of these are essays, research papers or proposals, or general ideas, opinions and concepts that the author has decided to present to the public for public critique and viewing.

The author has been studying Behavior and Social Sciences for four years, following up with a Major in Cultural Anthropology and a Minor in Japanese Language and Culture. All essays and articles included are for the completion of the Bachelor's Degree in Cultural Anthropology. Where some may have flaws or lack writing style, the author feels that practice and critical analysis is the best way to develop skills needed for this field.

All things mentioned go beyond simple ideas of religion, social norms and expectations, common-place beliefs, and standard stereotypes. The author works to study all mentioned in order to pick apart stereotypes and display a new platter of information to the audience in hopes to opening closed minds and encouraging critical thinking. Whether the reader agrees with the author or agrees to disagree, the important point being made is that everyone has the ability to think and formulize their own opinions and ideas of culture, society and individuality.

Please begin reading only if you have come into these pages with an open mind and, whether you have a biased or unbiased perspective or not, you are more than welcome to enjoy all that is presented to you. Should anyone have any issues with topics, please feel free to browse further and skip over your disagreements.

Thank you,


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