V18 - Chapter 217 Graduation Chaos

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"I am here today to explain the achievements I have made while working with the Terrans. As you saw in my demonstration, I have been able to take our magic to the next level, all just because of their better understanding of the world around us."


On the balcony, Sharpe watched Lelei give her graduation speech. Impressed by the topic she chose, superficial, but deep. The fight against the Flame Dragon by using her hypersonic spell. A story with a journey is usually an excellent way to keep the audience engaged.

She started with the story when Vanguard-7 first faced the Flame Dragon, explaining how helpless a mage would normally be in a situation like that. All she would have done was support. She gave examples of her sonic boom spell and then the development of hypersonic magic, taking a formed object and increasing its speed, using kinetic energy to do the damage.

While Sharpe knew he needed to keep an eye out for any strange activity, listening to Lelei, he could not help but feel pride. It had been a long year and a half, seeing her at this point had become a reward.

"We're getting old sir," Randy said.

"You might be," Sharpe replied. After a chuckle, he looked down. "But yeah, getting old. It feels like only yesterday we just met."

"I remember when we were practicing magic for the first time. It hurt a lot but was a lot of fun. She was so scared to do anything in fear of messing up."

"Don't worry sir," Randy said. "My kids are growing up quickly. Once this war is over, I will be going home. Consider yourself lucky; you can watch Selina grow up and be there. Don't forget it."

"Even Selina has gotten bigger," Sharpe said. "Can you believe she is going to be turning fourteen soon?"

"And soon your little Princess will follow in your footsteps," Randy said. "That would be an interesting story to see."

After a moment of silence thinking about their children, Sharpe glanced at his HUD. His Delta team had successfully breached the Magic Guild with little resistance. While he needed his Rangers and Rose Knights here, he sent Tuka and her friend, Welulia, with Delta Squad.


Hearing his name, Sharpe turned around as his smile faded, his face now filled with anger. To his shock, he saw Albus Russus, the ex-head of the Rondel Knights. "What are you doing here?" He spat.

Russus leaned against the railing and spoke, "you might have stripped everything from me, but this is still my home. I wanted to see what the big fuss was."

Feeling an engulfing rage building, Sharpe had to put much effort into stopping himself from tossing Russus over the edge. His senses were screaming 'red flags', knowing there must be a deeper reason why he was here. Welulia had mentioned that Russus was working with the Guilds to undermine NATO's goals in Rondel.

"I see she went with the glory story, the Battle with the Flame Dragon," Russus ridiculed. "Predictable."

"Predictable but a good story," Sharpe replied, trying to keep his emotions in check. "Her spell leveled the playing field, wounding it enough to be killed. I would like to see you try to charge with your sword against it."

"Only a fool like yourself would charge forward like that," Russus replied. "I know the story; on the plains staring down the dragon. If it was not for others, you would have been killed."

"So, you're saying a Knight like you would hide away from a fight? I guess that means I have more balls than you do." Sharpe firmly stated.

"It is amazing how that phrase can also apply to how stupid someone is," Russus said. "What a waste of magic. Though, as I saw that spell during the demonstration, I noticed it wastes a lot of mana, worthless in a fight."

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