Either way, the team knew they had to replace her spot as the female National soloist and, in order to have a properly-prepared routine, they had to do it fast.

"Right now I'm talking to the team about finding a new female soloist," Miss Kate told the camera with a sympathetic look, something obviously not sitting right with starting auditions so early on since Michelle had left.

The blonde continued to explain to the dancers, "Look, I know it's a hard time right now, but we need to decide who's going to do the female solo at Nationals. And I know what you're thinking, I also hate that we have to deal with this so soon after Michelle has left, but Nationals is coming up and we need a strong female soloist."

Almost without hesitation, Amanda stepped forward with a confident grin. "I want the solo," she told the room, almost as if she was daring someone else to try and take it from her.

"Okay," Kate hummed, a small smile in appreciation playing at the corners of her mouth as she did so.

"Um," Riley cleared her throat as she stepped forward, her voice a little shakier and uncertain than Amanda's, but the desperation was there, "I'd like the solo, too, Miss Kate."

Whilst the room was preoccupied with Amanda and Riley, West nudged Maxie lightly to grab her attention. "Why don't you audition?" He asked her with intrigue, "This is, like, your second chance, you're not gonna let that go, are you?"

Giving the boy a look, Maxie sighed, "Yeah, well, I'd rather not at the minute. Besides, both Riley and Amanda are strong dancers, we'll probably get through with either of them."

"Yeah, but with you, we'd definitely get through," West insisted, still confused as to why Maxie refused to do the Nationals solo.

The girl knew that without a viable explanation,  she wasn't gonna be able to drop the subject any time soon, so, thinking on her feet, she told him, "I'm just busy with the small group at the minute, yeah, and with the... drama." She said the last part with a slight uncertainty, causing West to raise an eyebrow.

"The drama?" He repeated, the way he said it indicating how he did not believe the lie for a second, but for the sake of Maxie, he decided to let it slide — he knew she'd tell him the real reason when she was ready; it wasn't to be forced out.

As they both tuned back into the main conversation happening in the studio, miss Kate began to explain to the girls the rules of the audition. "What I would like you two ladies to do is find a song, come up with a routine and from there I will decide who gets the solo."

"Sounds good." Amanda grinned, causing Riley to give her a wary look.

"Thank you."


After Thalia and Maxie had watched Amanda rehearse to 'When the war is over' by Jena Gogo, they both exchanged looks that said more than words could — Amanda really wanted that solo.

Once the rest of the troupe had gathered back into studio A, Miss Kate decided to address the dancers, a look of excitement about whoever was to be the new female soloist on her face. "All right, you guys," she called out, rubbing her hands together, "It's time to see who is going to be the female soloist at Nationals. So, let's get right to these solos." The woman then turned to the taller of the two competitors. "Amanda, you spoke to me earlier about going first, so let's hop up."

The rest of the room, bar Emily and Riley for some reason, applauded the girl whilst she made her way into starting position, and, once the clapping had died down, Miss Kate hit the button on the remote that turned the music on. Once again, 'When the war is over' by Jena Gogo began playing over the speakers, however, as Amanda danced, Maxie couldn't help but notice the way Riley grew increasingly more anxious from across the room. She also couldn't help but notice that James wasn't there, which was weird, 'cause when Maxie had informed him that Riley was trying for the soloist, he practically sprinted to the music room to support her.

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