Chapter 22: Neither Honest, Nor Liar

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                           A few days, a few god damned days without any news from brother or Illumi himself. Now I'm worried. What am I supposed to do here? Wait? Wait until what? My death? In my whole life, all these years, I have never felt dishonored before. My situation in front of everybody can be described as a "laughing stock". The servants are starting to think that their "master" Illumi ran away because he is disgusted of me. My soon to be "parents-in-law" are starting to give me embarrassing looks; especially that kid, Milluki. Maybe It really is  a foolish idea to trust my brother to do this for me. It is probable that he is amusing himself by something by now.

                        The biggest gate you'll ever see in your whole life, that's where I am right now; the testing gate. Why am I here? I taking the matters into my own hands. I will find my supposed husband, screw the family rues. Well, taking everything into account, I'm not even the good girl type who follows every rules; so why should I now?

                I lightly pushed the gates, well, five opened. Not bad for a light push, It's good actually. Now, where would I go if I were Illumi? He won't be able to use his money and phone because he is being tracked tightly. So, he will need money. Could he be in Heaven's Arena? Obviously not, someone will definitely recognize him. He's probably in a slightly remote area. A place where he might be? A place where he once knew? He only goes out whenever he has things to take care of such as missions, witnesses, and his very little personal issues. It could be a remote place where he is quite familiar or the place has a value for him. I think I know just the place to look. It's been years since I've been there, might as well visit the old place.

          So someone took the land and built there abode here, huh? Well, the mansion looks good but I still prefer our old small house. Only if that bastard bugger didn't burned it to ashes, and now he's long dead for his foolish acts. I got inside the mansion and It looks like the original owner is not here. Instead, I found a few water bottles, a few new clothes and an old uniform. Who can miss this all too familiar uniform? This very uniform I am holding belongs to a friend, Zebro, the Zoldyck "guard". Bingo, they've been here. 


            After that call, I quickly straightened myself from utter shock. I collected myself and fetched Zebro where he is supposed to be for the day. We hurried together back to the Manor. Well, more like 'I' rather than 'we' because I made him go into a deep slumber again. Well, what ever can I do? Especially when my bride is waiting for me for too long.

                 I am now in front of the manor, still carrying Zebro in my back. I got inside and my father faced me. I'm ready for a punishment. But I need to see her first. I was about to explain my situation when I was hit hard in the face, the blow that always take me down. "What's going on with your head?! You made your bride waiting like a fool! Explain yourself later and you'll receive your punishment, don't expect it to be light." he said. "Zebro has nothing to do with it, I forced him to come with me, spare him and give him peace, I'll take all of the punishments." I argued. 

           "Gotoh, fetch the Cheshire and get her ready for the wedding, I want it done this afternoon." he ordered to the head butler. "I deeply apologize master, for I cannot fulfill this order." ... "Why not?" .. "Lady Cheshire left this morning in desperate search for Young master Illumi." 

I fucked up.


           My sister will kill me. This is where the fun begins~. I heard that my sister left to search for Illumi herself. Little did she know that Illumi is already going back. Ahh~ Their going in different way, though, their way overlapped. They just didn't noticed. 

I'm not a liar, I just bluff~

I never lie, I just never tell the whole truth~



Another short one, sorry. Any mistake in this and the following chapters are not checked, so please don't mind them. I truly appreciate the people who reads this, especially those who votes, comments and recommends this. Thank you so much:)


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