Chapter 15: Pleasant Surprise

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          The Zoldyck's are really serious in this marriage thing, huh? It's almost a full month since I started my training with Zeno and the exams that will soon be given to us will commence by the end of the week. I must say that I learned a lot from this exclusive training. I mastered  techniques that I don't normally use in my combat style; but since I will soon be part of this assassin family, I got to learn this sooner or later anyways. I actually finished the training sooner than expected

                 These few weeks that had passed are actually peaceful. No one met their demise and everyone is doing their own business. Silva is out of the mission; a pretty big one since they requested him do it instead of Kalluto. Kalluto is the fourth child amongst the siblings, or at least that's what I think. He is a wonderful assassin like Illumi, he's devoted to the family so much. So much that he obeys every thing his mother wants; he wears a female-designed Kimono which is unusual, does it not bother him when he's on a mission? Well the answer is obviously yes since the Kimono restricts him movements. He still wears it because of his mama, though. Kikyo doesn't have any daughters- must be hard for her since she's the only female in the whole family-, that's why she plays dress-up to her son.

        Killua, the third child of the Zoldycks, left with his dear friend Gon- my brother's fruit-. Just like how my Brother anticipated the chain of events, Gon "rescued" the white-haired heir. As much as I hate Kikyo's tantrums about tis matter; I am excited for Killua, for a new adventure awaits him. He will now discover and learn things outside, things that he dreamt of experiencing. He has freedom. The only bad thing about this adventure of him is that; once he experiences the feeling of being free and no one to restrain you, he will be harder to control.

               I haven't seen Illumi for almost a month. Our last meeting was the Hunter Exam. Turns out, he was appointed for ten targets at once since it is convenient for him to do so and no one was available to do it. Do you have  any guess on how that mission is hard? Isn't it just killing? Well, what makes the missions longer are not the targets; It is actually the span of time spent in traveling. These ten different targets are in different distant countries, that's why. Must be tiring to travel back and forth.


         I am truly exasperated for the upcoming "exam" by the weekend. My hands have been itching to kill. To think that they might take Illumi from me, makes my blood freeze and boil; at the same time. 

       Their are two things that the girls think about whenever they see me. The first one is that there is something off about me and they sense danger; well, no one can blame them, out of all the girls, I always let out a specific amount of bloodlust for show. The second one is, underestimation. Some of them are clearly unfaced by me. They don't see me training or even preparing for the "exam" since my preparations are ongoing underneath where no one can sense any aura or bloodlust. In short, a secured place prepared by Zeno to prevent anyone getting suspicious. None of the Zoldycks seems to know that Zeno is supporting my side besides Silva. That man is very sharp-eyed and attentive to his surrounding; and I think the radius of his alertness can even reach 100ft under the lands of Kukuroo Mountain.

         Kikyo, however, seemed to pay attention to the other assassin girls more. Her adoration of me when I first presented myself in here was gone. I understand her actions. I don't know or have any experience in assassinating and that makes me a little useless in the family since that is the sole purpose of this. Those girls shows promising action towards their devotion in a family and in assassination.  And as you may know, I am not an assassin and I only have my brother as a family; to which I am sure that, they don't even trust his instincts. Hence to this situation, I can prove to them that I am more than the woman that I presented. I will show them that I am worthy of sharing their name.

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