Chapter 13: Zoldyck Show

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                    There is something dubious about that old man. He's been acting like he knows everything; but then, every elder acts like that right?

              Anyways, there are about nine women from different families are here that are hand picked by Kikyo. That makes the ten of us competitors. The first one is professional at spying, the second is a nen master like me, the third one is a Hunter exam passer whom I met at the exam with brother; the fourth one is a daughter of a politician that has a special healing ability, the fifth is another accomplice of Illumi. The last four  on the list are from a single family; apparently, their parents sent al of their daughters here. They must be miserably desperate to have the number 1 family of assassin to be their ally; how pathetic. 

      Marissa the daughter of the politician that I mentioned; keeps on trying to befriend the others. As if she didn't know that we are all rivals here. Her plastic personality is making my guts itch. 

"Ne, my name is Marissa Jones. I'm from YorkNew city." she said when she approached me; I didn't acknowledged her though. I just kept on walking through the long corridor of the west wing of the mansion.

"How about you?" she still followed me like a dog. I am about to go to my quarters to do some business of mine and she's clearly bothering me so I answered.

"This is an advise since we will be staying in the same roof for some time until they choose someone for Illumi; firstly, refrain from bothering others; secondly, stop using your plastic attitude on me. That's all~"

She looked like she is going to explode from anger. I just stood there trying not to laugh; instead I kept on my teasing-dangerous face while I stood closer to her.

"My daddy will hear about this!!"  She said and I chuckled. What an insolent girl.

"Is that all you can do? Tell daddy everything? Complain about everything? Well then, I'll give you a gift to complain about~"

"Wha-what are you doing?!  She panicked as I walked silently to her shaking figure. 

Her scream echoed through the thick walls of the corridors. The other "contestants" came out of their quarters to check the commotion. I am very sure that they will not come out of their quarters even if they heard a scream; I am certain it is because of the bloodlust that I let out.

They are now watching our every move. Some are very cool about it and some are even making a fuss out of it. The butlers came in an instant but they did nothing but to watch, even Gotoh who just smirked.

Blood cascaded down her once smooth face. Her snow-white skin is now covered by the red liquid. My long nails are now stained by it; an effect of the action that I've done just seconds ago. She landed on the floor with a thud, her right hand clutched her face trying to heal it with her abilities and her left hand just clutching her dress that is now covered in a crimson mess.

"W-what's happening?? why can't I heal it?? It hurts!" she asked frantically.

"Oops, my bad. I forgot that I still have paralyzing liquid in my nails. Please do forgive me about that~" I said in a teasing manner. 

The paralyzing liquid must be interfering with her healing. That's why it never stops bleeding. Well, I just placed a huge letter X across her face. Her survival rate is only at 10%.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"It means that you'll be dead in a few minutes~ ... the effect of the poison will start at your face, next to your limbs. Then some of your organs will came to a halt. Next, your breathing muscles will be swollen. Oh so swollen, no air can get inside~" 

She started breathing heavily. Terrified look on her face can be seen. No one moved to help her they all just watched her suffer to her demise. Even if someone do help her, it won't do anything since I had my  "Time Consume"(nen ability) manipulate the time off effect of the poison. It makes it faster. The poison normally takes effect at 20 mins; but that won't do much. It would be too long to paralyze a target.

I turned around and left. Her dying cry is utterly annoying. Kikyo and Kalluto watched me as I leave the place. The butler took the corpse of the annoying lady away and started to clean up the mess. I came back to my quarters and checked the passage that the old man said. It really is a secret because is is underneath the bed, where no one would really be interested to investigate about.

I closed the trapdoor and continued to my way. The other end of the passage soon came to view. It is dimly-lighted. It is a torture chamber underneath.

"Cheshire" Zeno greeted as he smiled at me.

"I saw your 'show' earlier. I must say it's amazing."

"Thank you~ I got bored and quite annoyed so I some fun~"

"Let's start our business here. Shall we?"

"Let's not waste our times. We shall"

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