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So...I wrote this because I have huge writers block. Like not even kidding, reunion is starting to run out of material. I know I said I had "tons of content" but I'm gonna be fr with you all, this "tons of content" is yet to come. So instead! I created another book because I have a problem.

The only thing important is that POV'S are only gonna change every page instead of every so often. Also! This is not related to reunion, however if you do headcanon it, I do not care. Heck, I may add one or two subtle references. ALSO! This is gonna be more of a journey than romantic, so it won't be all lovey dovey. So yeah, on with the story!

(Note: this is the old cover and title of the book. If many people want it changed back, I will)
-11-2-21 author.

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