Class started and everyone was invested into their assignments. I couldn't wrap my head around the situation that Nate was still sitting in my class staring into my head from behind. I felt his eyes on me the whole time. Nothing could make me feel at ease or better. It was horrible because I was thinking about the things that could happen when he isn't getting arrested. Who knows he might attack Ben or vi and couldn't forgive myself if it would come so far.

Class was almost about to finish as I heard a knock on the door. Lizzies eyes went to me for a short moment and she looked right back at the door calling in whoever was knocking.
Officer Sullivan and Phillips walked through the door in their uniform taking their marks out to show them Lizzie.

„Officer Sullivan and this is my partner officer Phillips. We're so sorry to interrupt but we have a student in your class who was violent against someone else. We just want to do our job and arrest him." officer Sullivan talked to Lizzie as quietly as possible but everyone could still hear what was about to happen.

„Sure officers. Do what you have to do." she nod at them stepping aside to let them walk further to us.

They moved up the stairs walking directly into my direction. They didn't greet me in any way which was good because they all would find out that I was the one who was abused. Officer Phillips nod so slightly at me that only I was able to notice it.
They walke up behind me standing in front of Nate.

„Nate Johnson. We have to arrest you for being abusive. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You have the right to call a defense attorney for any questioning. If you can't afford a defense attorney, you will be provided with one." officer Phillips spoke up sternly taking the hand cuffs out.

Gossiping started in the whole class and everyone's eyes were on them.

„W-wait what? You gotta be kidding me. I didn't do anything."

„Mister Johnson we have evidence. Everything will be discussed on the station. You have to come with us." Sullivan said grabbing him by the arm pulling him up. Nate defended himself a bit but Sullivan didn't let him do anything at all.

„Fuck. I said I didn't do anything. This is bullshit. I'm innocent." he yelled out trying to get out of his grip.

„Don't make it hard on us Johnson." they dragged him by his arms behind his back. He looked me deepening the eyes and I felt like he would want to lay hands on me again. If his looks could kill I'd be dead already. He was filled with pure hate and rage and I could see it on how he clenched his jaw and arms.

Even though it seems like it's over I can tell that it isn't. He'll be back in no time and I can't stop this. Gladly to know that I can leave this place in a short time. He won't know where I am and that's fine with me.
They left and my attention went back to Lizzie seeing her mouth an ‚I'm sorry' to me before starting with the lecture again.

„Okay class. Attention back to your assignments. You can gossip as much as you want after class." she yelled out loud enough for everyone to hear.

It got silent again and I felt like it was killing me. The silence was dragging me into my spiral of thoughts again.

„Are you okay?" vi dragged me out of my head as she placed her hand on my lower arm.

„Hmm yeah. All good." I said brushing an uncomfortable conversation off.

The only thing I should worry about is how I will graduate because it's soon. My final projects are all signed in and I only need to wait for my results. I still have a lot of exams but they'll be manageable. I'm actually curious if Lizzie will stay with me after I graduate. She makes me undeniably happy but this is also something that scares me to death. She is my weak spot. I'm totally falling for her and I hope she feels the same way.
The bell pulled me out of my mind once again and I'm starting to pack my things. I walked down while I talked to Ben and vi being distracted by them to even look at lizzie for a moment.

„Miss Mathews could please stay behind for a moment?" Lizzie asks me politely. I was confused why she used my surname but I looked around seeing other students still in here getting ready to leave.

„Yeah sure Professor Olsen." I said nodding at her.

„Guys we'll see each other later." I said turning around to vi and Ben again.

„Yeah see you." they said synchronized and left me there with Lizzie.

„What's up?" I asked walking towards her sitting down at the chair in front of her desk.
She packed her things in silence and I felt how people behind me started to leave.
After the last student left she walked up to the door closing it from inside and shutting the blinds so no one can see through.
Alright this is strange.

„Is everything okay?" she asks me as she walked back leaning against the table with her butt.

„Why shouldn't it be?" I asked and she tilted her head.

„Babe. Your ex boyfriend just got arrested in front of the whole class. You don't see things like that every day. So I'm just making sure that you're feeling alright." she answered to my question.

„I am now that I am with you. I just hope he won't be here any time soon. I wasn't really feeling comfortable being around him." I said looking down to my hands as I play with my rings.

„Ben really stood up for you. He's a great friend." she added and I looked up again.

„You heard what he said?" I asked her surprised.

„Of course I did. I saw everything from the start. I would have love to hit him too but I can't do that." she giggled and I nod at her giving her a half smile.

„By the way you didn't tell me that officer Phillips is so hot." she said and my eyes grew wide.

„Sorry what?!" I was perplexed on what she said.

„Yeah. She is. You don't even need to deny it. She looks great. And Sullivan as well. But the point is." she got up walking behind me letting her hands rest on my shoulders.

„The Point is that they don't know you belong to me. It pisses me off but it won't last long until I can say that your mine." she said in a husked tone sending shivers down my spine.

„Y'know sometimes I just want to fuck you here on my desk. How does that sound darling?" she asks me while she slides my hair to the side to leave wet kisses on my neck.

„T-tempting. It s-Sounds tempting." I could barely answer while I was focused on her touch.

„Already so flustered babe? I didn't even do anything." she giggled viciously.

„Well. You drive me crazy by only existing. I can't even concentrate during your lectures." she moved around now sitting down on my lap cupping my face.

„Does that mean you always think of sex when you're in my class?" she asked raising a brow at me.

„Moste of the time yes. I can't blame it. Have you seen yourself?" she blushed a bit at my compliment.

„Wow. Good to know how you feel during my class. Besides. It's also hard for me to concentrate. Seeing you in my class with all eyes on you. The ones sitting behind you almost try to take of your clothes with their eyes." a smirk formed on my face which confused her.

„What's the smirk for?" she asks.

„I just find it funny how jealous you are. It's cute."
I teased her and she tilted her head narrowing her eyes at me. Okay the head tilt Is always hot but I'm never sure what happens after that.

Just a Professor?!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt