Chapter 22: Evidence Doesn't Lie

Start from the beginning

If she was the one that I saw that day, then I swear, I would never see her the way I do ever again. She had been so creepy and weird since that Jessica girl got missing. I just wonder what she was doing in there. If she was sleeping or doing some other crap.

I sighed and resumed my walk to the kitchen. I was back in my room with a bag of cheetos and a can of soda, with the tv on.
I wasn't focused on the screen, was busy thinking of what to do. That dream just kept disturbing me.
I then smirked.

The abandoned cabin!"

It took a while but it was worth it when I stood in front of it,
The abandoned cabin.

I sighed as cold air came out, it was freezing cold outside especially very early in the morning. I wasn't surprised since it was a few months away from December. So the weather was getting cold.
I went ahead and opened the old door to the house.

I didn't know who lived here or who built it but I know that they're no more, maybe they passed away or something because back then when Tina and I came here, we saw....stuff,

When we explored the house, we'll see old clothes scattered all over on the ground in the rooms.
Or oddly the bed was neatly arranged.

trangest part, there were never pictures, paintings or portraits except one, but was miserably torn apart.

We thought it was haunted but it never scared us.
I looked around. The sun light was peering through the windows as it light up most of the place. The wall paintings were scratched and peeled off and the floors were very dusty, small grasses growing in between the tiles.

I looked over to the dirty kitchen and down to the floor next to it.
The light shone on the small splash of blood. No doubt of who it belonged to.
That's where I saw myself standing, just like in my dream, looking at Tina's dead body.

I walked over to the windows but only a few steps forward and I stepped on something that made a loud crack. I removed my leg and saw that it looked like broken pieces but of what exactly?

I bent down to take a closer look picking up one piece that looked like glass but was broken in half.

"Is this a phone screen?" I asked myself.

Despite the many cracks and broken parts, I could still make out its shape. I looked not far away and saw the phone's back cover and it battery laying on the floor.
They were both brutally smashed in all places to the extent that I can't even explain.

I was trying to make out who's phone this was until my eyes caught it laying on the floor close to the window.
I ran over to it and picked the bracelet up and I could see that the beads boldly spelled her name.

"Oh no..." I said.
The memory came back to me in a flash,

Flashback, A Month Ago.
I was getting ready to meet Tina at the abandoned house we usually met up in. I looked at my phone on the bed.
She must've called by now, maybe she hadn't reached there yet. As I was about to pick up my jacket and leave, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was Tina. I smirked and picked it up.

Innocent Deaths: Daddy's Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now