Any force user

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Pregnancy. Any force user can be imagined in this story

You laid on your shared bed, your head propped against the headrest. You were woozy, your bump now quite a large size and you were sure you could feel little kicks here and there. You closed your eyes for a second, trying to relax for a moment. You wondered where your lover was, they were away on some mission, leaving you behind under the watch of a medical droid. They had been gone for at least a week and you missed them. Their protective, gentle touches, ones which you knew you were safe in.

"2-1B" you called, not opening your eyes as the medical droid came forward.

"Yes madam" it said. "Is anything the matter?"

"Do you know when they are getting back?" you asked, knowing this was a slightly fruitless endeavour to ask.

"No new information has been received about their whereabouts," 2-1B said. You sighed, nodding lazily and falling asleep.

You woke to talking and gingerly opened your eyes. A smile started to form on your face, seeing them talking to the medical droid. They looked tired but happy. Your lover must have heard you as he looked around and a smile formed on their lips. Slowly they approached, tucking some hair behind your ear and kissing your cheek.

"How have you been my dear?" they asked, stroking your cheek and watching you, love in their eyes.

"I have been well" you said, smiling up at them. "But how have you been?" you asked, worried.

"Perfectly well" they said, letting go of your cheek and shuffling onto the bed. Gently they placed their hands on your stomach and closed their eyes. A small smile formed on their face.

"Our child has grown since I have last been with you" they said, stroking your stomach. "The force is strong with our young one"

"Are you sure?" you asked, watching your lover as they connected with your child.

"I am positive darling" he said, a small smile formed on their lips and slowly they let go of your stomach, opening their eyes.

"I am truly excited to meet our child" they said, shuffling up the bed to be next to you. "I promise not to go on any further missions until they are born"

"Thank you" you said, taking their hand and resting against their shoulder. "I missed you"

"I missed you also" they said, stroking your hand with his thumb. "and I am glad I have returned to you and our child"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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