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You landed your small craft beside another larger ship in a cave and walked up the cliff. At the top of it was a small house which looked over the sea which took up a large part of the mostly water planet.

Getting to the house you opened the door, locking the door behind you. You knew he was here, and walking into the sitting room you saw Kallus sitting on the couch, fast asleep.

You frowned, Kallus was tired, being an agent, he had little time to sleep or spend time relaxing.

You had met Kallus when you were captured by the empire as a rebel. It was he who fake interrogated you as fulcrum and you both connected. The relationship grew and you decided to meet a couple of times a year to be together.

Sitting beside Kallus he slowly opened his eyes and gave you a tired look. "It is good to see you" he said, whipping his tired eyes and slowly sitting up.

"And you too" you said, stroking his soft blonde hair. "you are tired, rest"

Kallus leaned into your touch and placed his hand on your thigh and squeezed you gently. "No darling, I came here to be with you" he said.

"How is the empire?" you asked gently.

"Thrawn is taking over everything" Kallus murmured. "all operations, all tasks. He wants to find you and your rebel friends"

"You are a rebel now" you teased.

"Maybe one day I may leave the empire" he said. "For now, however, I do more good in the position I am in"

You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. "I love you Kallus" you murmured.

"You also (y/n)" he said, turning his head and meeting his lips with yours. You smiled, holding onto his neck with your arms.

He let go and looked into your eyes. "You do also look tired" Kallus said, cocking his head.

"Thrawn and his empire friends are being disruptive, to say the least" you murmured. "I am busy tracking imperial movements at all hours"

Kallus nodded, a frown wavering on his face as he looked at you. He wished you could both be free and together, however, that was not the case, maybe one day you could settle on an outer rim planet and be free.

Kallus laid his head on your shoulder while you leaned back, together you fell asleep, too exhausted to keep awake, however, all that mattered was that you were together and safe with each other, both of you knowing that this time would be short.

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