Han Solo

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"I just asked you why you left me without knowing where you are going," you muttered, watching Han. Han had been packing to someplace on the falcon without telling you why or where he was going again, even when you asked to talk to him he refused, busying himself with getting things ready. Usually, you would just let him go on his mission and worry for his safety, waiting in agony for him to return, however, today you put your foot down. Today you wanted to tell him exactly how you felt about him leaving without a word. Han had reacted in his usual suave way, telling you not to worry, a smirk on his face, but you had enough.

Han shrugged. "As I said I have a deal with the Hutts" he said, rolling his eyes.

"You said you were doing no more contracts" you said, your heart was breaking that Han lied to you. He had said not a day earlier that he was on a break.

"It is just one more thing, love" Han said, walking toward the door, pulling his bag further over his shoulder. "You understand" he said, dismissively of your emotions and feelings.

"I do not understand" you half shouted, frustrated. "Please don't go, please talk to me" you said quieter, your voice wavering, tears pricking in your eyes. Han turned, he frowned, seeing how you were on the verge of tears. He looked at you for a moment and slowly dropped his bag, walking toward you and placing a hand on your chin, raising your head to look at him. Your face and the sadness in your eyes made him feel slightly guilty for not keeping communication open between you two.

"Look (y/n) this is the final contract I will do" Han said. "And then I will take that break I was talking about. It is just a couple of loose ends which I need to fix for the Hutts. It is no big feat, just transporting passengers"

You sighed, looking away from him and whipping your eyes with your sleeve. You shook your head, not believing a word.

"believe me (y/n)" Han said

"The last time I believed you I was suck in a prison" you muttered.

"That was a one in a thousand chance" Han said. "Trust me, it's an easy job and then I can stop for a little while"

You sighed, still unsure, it still seemed like Han didn't care and did not understand your worry and sadness. Gently Han pulled you into his arms and held you close to his chest, trying to convince you and to stop your tears which threatened to fall still.

"Oh hun" he murmured. "Look, come with me on the mission and afterwards we can drop chewie off at his girlfriend's and go to any planet you wish" Han said slowly letting go.

You sighed but nodded, looking up at Han whose smile was back on his face as he saw you had slightly cheered up. You were just glad that Han promised to take a break to spend time with you and you would make sure that this scruffy-looking nerf herder would keep his promise. Although you still had questions to bring up with him, you decided to leave them for now, you could bring them up later, but for now, you had a transporting job to do.

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