Sabine Wren

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You and Sabine were together on a high building, looking over the capital city of Lothal. You had both climbed up one of the tallest buildings in Lothal together, meaning you were far from the ghost and your fellow crewmates.

You watched as empire patrols went past in the distance and you frowned, looking back at Sabine who was finishing a small graffiti design on the side of the building.

"That looks great" you said, turning back to see the pink and blue design she had created or the rebel symbol.

"thank you" she said, slightly frowning. "However I am not sure many will see it up here."

"Maybe other urban explorers might" you said, standing and putting an arm around her shoulder, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Sabine smiled and together you looked at the set a little longer.

The sun set, leaving only the street lights illuminating the city. It started to get cold and you both shivered. "I think we should get back," you said, Sabine turning around, however her keen eyes spotted another empire patrol, you joined her watching it, the same idea propping in your mind.

"Thinking what I am thinking?" Sabine asked.

"Of course" you said, smirking "got your explosives?" you asked.

"always" Sabine answered, handing you two and jumping down onto another building. You followed her down and together you sneaked toward the patrol. It consisted of a small tank and a few troopers. Sabine pointed and you nodded, running around one side and placing the explosives under the tank. You looked up, seeing a stormtrooper run toward you. Quickly you stunned him and ran toward Sabine who had finished placing her own explosives.

"Let's get out of here" Sabine said. You nodded, climbing up after her onto another building and together you pressed the button, exploding the tank. You both watched the fireball and the stormtroopers running from it. All had survived, the one controlling the tank getting out quickly after being told of the bombs.

Together you got back, making sure not to be spotted by going over rooftops back to where your speeders were hidden. You both raced home, enjoying each other's company without being shot at which was rare.

By the time you got back to the ghost, Kannan was waiting, a frown on his face. "Exploding an imperial patrol is what I would call a date night" Kannan said, disapprovingly.

"The plan changed" Sabine said, flashing a smile. Kannan shook his head as you both went into your cabin, laughing together at Kannan's face.

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