Grand Inquisitor

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You cowered in the corner, staring up at the face of the man you had once loved. He stood over you now, he smirks on his face. Ezra and Kannan had fled, leaving you in the hands of the Grand Inquisitor. You had loved him once, being a Jedi yourself and falling in love with Rakesh and him falling for you. That was until order 66 and you haven't seen him since.

"If you will not come with me willingly then I must take you against your wishes" the grand inquisitor said, lunging at you.

"Please, no" you begged, struggling in the arms of Rakesh until you felt the sting of a stun rifle bolt against your skin.

You woke, trapped in a machine that held you by your wrists and ankles. It was uncomfortable and you tried your best to get out, however, nothing budge.

You heard the door open and your eyes met Rakesh's eyes, they were not the silver ones you had fallen in love with but now a bright piercing yellow.

"It has been a while my love" he said, stroking your cheek.

"We are nothing anymore" you spat.

"To you, maybe" he said, withdrawing his hand. Your binds opened and you stumbled out, staring at Rakesh, terrified and angry. "I give you three choices." he said, "One, you join the inquisitors, two you stay under my care and it can be like old times or three I will have to, regrettably, kill you"

"I would rather die than join you" you hissed.

"Oh dear" Rakesh murmured, "you will find I have not changed as much as you think, I am still yours my dear. I have never forgotten that"

"If you loved me you would have never joined the empire" you retorted.

"I needed to, so I could finally read the Jedi library and become what I was born to be" he said, snarling slightly.

You slumped against the walls of the cell, you wished to die. You loved him so much still, yet he was a sith.

"Your decision" Rakesh said.

"I would rather die" you murmured.

He frowned, he did not wish to kill you, as the grand inquisitor, he made sure that you would not be caught by any of his compatriots and so he could keep you safe.

"Just kill me" you muttered.

Rakesh's mind was churning and he faltered, although he had his lightsaber in his hand he did not reveal the red glow, his hand refusing to.

"What are you waiting for?" you asked. "You have butchered many Jedi, what is standing in the way now?"

He sighed and with a click of the button, he revealed the red sword. "May your death send a message to the rebellion" he said, trying to hide his emotions. He lifted his saber high and was prepared to strike his lover. He faltered again, the precious seconds meaning life and death as he was flung backwards. The ship had been hit by something and you had fallen into Rakesh's chest, knocked out and the saber being flung elsewhere. For a moment he held you, he had missed this, missed you, your body perfectly melting into his. Would you ever forgive him? One day he thought as he picked you up and left the interrogation room and immediately discovered the cause of the destruction. Ezra and Kannan.

"The boy and his master" he sneered.

"Drop them" Ezra threatened.

"Or what?" he asked. He loved you, therefore you should stay with him.

The two men raised their lightsabers and he thought for a second before placing you down and fleeing. Rakesh may be a sith, however, his emotions clouded his judgment, one of love for you, and the only way you could be safe is if he dropped you and fled toward his ship.

Ezra tried to go after him but Kannan stopped him, telling him to pick you up and get out before the ship exploded.

You woke in a bed you knew all too well and you looked around to see Ezra at your side.

"You are awake!" he said, grinning.

"What happened?" you asked, confused.

"We fought the inquisitor and saved you" he said.

"What Ezra means to say is that the inquisitor dropped you and ran" Kannan said, coming into the room. "I am glad you are awake"

You nodded, your heart sinking.

"I wonder why he dropped you" Ezra said.

"We may never know" you murmured, knowing all full well that he did it because of love. Maybe someday you could forgive him. 

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