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I am in a thrawn mood still

What it is like to date Grand Admiral Thrawn

- Thrawn does not want you anywhere near the Empire, he values you very much and therefore the further you are away the better. However, if you meet at work then Thrawn will make sure to keep you close, not sending you out to dangerous missions.

- He loves info dumping about different things, from art to literature, he seems to know anything and everything. You can lay on his chest and listen to him talk for hours, making even difficult maths sound interesting.

- He returns the favour also, letting you talk about anything you wished with him, with Thrawn being attentive and interested through it all.

- Thrawn melts when you call him his real name, Mitth'raw'nuruodo or even just speak some of his mother tounge, Cheunh.

- Somehow, Thrawn knows everyone's business, he would not call himself a gossip, although he does tell you everything he has picked up.

- Thrawn loves music as he sees it as liquid art. You can sometimes find him, eyes closed, listening to a piece of music. If he was alive now he would defiantly love classical music such as Bach and British light music such as Vaughn Williams and Butterworth. I think he would love Henry V: 2 Pieces for Strings: No. 2. Touch her soft lips and part. I don't think Thawn would like rap, however, he would appreciate the musical talent and if you enjoyed rap he would listen with you.

- Thrawn is quite protective of you. He is the type of person to plan for the worst, and that includes you.

-In the future, Thrawn would love to settle down, leaving the Empire behind him. Either with children or a few Ysalamirs as pets.

- When he is with you he can drop most of his serious and controlled manner. Although he is still serious and direct, he is less so, relaxing in the fact that you would not ever betray or hurt him.

- Our poor Chiss is touch deprived and is quite awkward with holding you at the beginning, however, he learns to hold you through experience.

- When he is apart from you, he thinks about you a lot, wondering how you are, if you are safe and if you are happy. He loves you very much and wants you to be happy and looked after.

- If you are an artist or a musician he will be your biggest cheerleader. He will listen and watch when you wish to show him something and he will love that you decided to share your work with him.

- You are a work of art to him, therefore he treats you with the utmost respect and reverence. He treats you very well and makes sure to treat you like a man should treat his partner.

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