chapter 4

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It's been a while since jungkook has set on his journey towards the capital again. His time with noa wasn't a waste, jungkook has learned sword manship. Right now jungkook is rushing his journey without any halt since the magic night selection is tomorrow and he should be there already by today, but it's alright.

It was 5'o clock in the morning when jungkook reached the royal capital, he would have reached earlier but since the selection was today he decided to rest a little or he will be drowsy. There was a horrendous crowd of people near the magic knight selection arena, people were very excited, this time there have been some rumours that the magic emperor will choose his own magic knight,who will be the strongest out of all, so ofcourse the emperor will be present, with the  captains too, from the excitement here, the common realm must love their emperor. 

He squeezed out of the crowd with utter difficulty but he will be a magic knight atleast. He entered the arena to see a different environment from what he thought, it wasn't serious atleast it didn't looked serious, it looked all happy and unicorns from the outside but once he crossed the line to enter the arena he felt a sudden slap of aura, it was so heavy, powerful and suffocating, everyone who looked at him had a smile on their lips not eyes. It looked malicious.
But he has his own reasons to be here he shouldn't be affected by them so je was just walking his walk.

Suddenly a bird came and sat on his head, he looked up and waved his hand above it to fly it over, but it started peaking his head, and he cried out of pain running around the arena, making everyone around laugh at him. But it was a natural laugh. The bird stopped biting him and sat comfortably on his head,
" Why bird? Why are you here?"
He tried talking to it but the bird had a nonchalant look like a savage.
Soon, there were sounds of trumpet which diverted everyone's attention to the point of the sound from their own personal works.

Everyone looked up to see the mc holding his hand by his mouth to make himself audible to the others.
" The lovers of the kalopsia who have supported your beautiful nation till now, we, today should thank ourselves, today will be the day of the magic knight selection! We will see if our youth has the power to devour the enemies or not! But first we shall welcome our respectful and honourable magic knight captains:
Please welcome the first magic knight captain Kim Namjoon the ethical bearer of the earth spirit!
Next in line his perfect partner, the second captain Kim Seokjin the honest bearer of the water spirit!  Third captain Min yoongi, The virtuous bearer of the Wind spirit!
Fourth captain Jung Hoseok, the noble bearer of the Fire spirit! And the last but not the least the youngest captain, and the fairy king we have Park Jimin!" The captions were revealing themselves to the public as their names were announced, the audience were going banana but it went more crazy and nuisance when he announced " And the most Powerful sage in the country, our protector, the illustrious and noble man, we welcome our King and magic emperor Kim Taehyung!!"
The magic emperor revealed himself, face had a nonchalant expression, with no emotions. The bird on my head flew away. He came in front, a flying ball beside him probably the speaker for him. He spoke " As the Young men and Women here know today is the selection of the best and most powerful magic sages of the decade, The rules are simple as every year, The amateur sages will show the captains their skill and will be choosen accordingly, if choosen by more than one captain, the participant could choose their own captain and team, if choosen by anyone then the participant shall join without any complains or questions, and if choosen by none one shall return and apply next year if they see potential in themselves, but this year I, the magic emperor and king of kalopsia, shall choose the most powerful participant present, the diamond of the century!" Several gasps were heard
the diamond of the century wow sounds too much work to me! If I had to choose I would choose Kim Namjoon's team, the captain seems powerful and generous and hot ofcourse

" First will be the flying test, one should know how to fly a broom to be a magic knight"
Everyone had a broom by their side
Jungkook tried to concentrate his power on his left hand to magically lift the broom his eyes were closed, and when he opened them he saw everyone was flying except him, all the audience were looking at him, the captains too and emperor too.
He tried hard, straining noises were coming from him

Sentences like you cannot do it!
Don't try sweetmama go to from where you came!
This isn't your place bunnyboy
But he tried nonetheless.

The next task was thrown.
" A magic knight knows how to use several magic spells" everyone opened their own griamore an started performing their flawless tricks and jungkook was still standing their ain't able to do anything.
The captains and the emperor's eyes were on him.

" The last and the final task, the participant will have a one-on-one combat, you are free to choose your own partners, and submit your names in the box, all of you are given a rest time of 15 minutes till then"
Jungkook was looking around for partners, with curious eyes, when a boy came to him, his nose as long as a giraffe, and lips like a crow's beak, and body like a stick came to him.
" Hello boya, I'm bongil, will you like to fight with me?"
Jungkook smiled at him and nodded his head " I'm jungkook and yes we should fight" " tell me about yourself jungkook" and they talked for a while till then.

He is the weakest here, and I can win against him in a minute, I'll show off my powers against the captains to impress them! Hehehe  thought bongil.

" We shall start with the first fight,
May you fight with the respect of all the pledge So the first fight is between  JUNGKOOK AND BONGIL!" 

Both the boys were at their fighting positions.
When bongil laughed.
" Heh, I'll win against you in a unit of time, you loser just watch"
" Oh yeah I hope you will" said jungkook cheerfully.

Both their griamore were out, both of them waiting for the command to fight, when the examiner shouted.
" Aschente!!"  And bongil made a barrier around him, ready to fire in jungkook, when, jungkook took out his sword in a swift motion and ran towards him, his speed leaving a dent on the floor, and just waving his sword a little and bongil was on his knees eyes wide. Jungkook kept his sword inside and gave his hand to bongil for support and smiled cheerfully. With no hatred or mockery towards the boy infront.

The emperor smirked. Power, Beauty, kindness and strength.

The Midnight Sun T.K ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon