chapter 12

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Jimin left the hall.

Standing up from his seat, Yoongi stood infront of Hoseok.

" It's least I expected from you,Hoseok. After what you did to him."
And left after Jimin.

Jin and namjoon glared at hoseok living, after Jimin too.

Jungkook and hoseok were left at the hall, hoseok was sitting there while gripping his hair tightly, pulling them out and jungkook just sat there awkwardly.

He didn't knew what to do and didn't wanted to meddle in between.

So, he just sat there looking down on his lap.

" Jimin would be having his own pair of wings! If only it wasn't for me"

Jungkook looked at him, the same distance between them.

"Jimin knew it was my fault, yet he never treated me any different"

Hoseok was almost crying at this time.

The door of the courtroom creaked open, informing someone's entrance.

Jungkook didn't really needed to look up to know who was it, the musky smell with a little tint of sandalwood gave all the needed information of the owner.

Standing up, he bowed at the emperor, and looked at hoseok, who stood up from his seat to bow, from his peripheral vision.

Even though he's older than the emperor, he shows such respect.

"At ease" a deep voice snatched him out of his trance.

"Hoseok, please renew the barriers around the borders"

Hoseok nodded and left the court room.

Jungkook was still looking at the poor magic captain.

" Say"

Flinching a little, he got startled to see Taehyung's eyes looking at him.

" Oh right the dispute between the merchants In the royal capital has been solved, it was just some silly bond and the merchants whose ships have been wretched due to the heavy storm in the east ocean are given hundred gold coins each and-"

" What happened with jimin?"

His nervous rambling stopped, with the emperor's stern utter.

He started fiddling with the robe he was wearing, not really looking at the emperor.

" Jungkook."

Startling at the stern tone again, he decided that the emperor should know about these matters.

With his head still bowed, he spoke

" Captain Hoseok boasted some rude comments about jimin hyung's wings to him"

Jungkook's breathe hitched a little when the emperor did nothing but sat there continuing his work.

" Aren't you worried about him?"

He questioned.

Taehyung looked at him.

" Am I supposed to? Aren't the others already worrying for him?"

" He's your best good friend.." he muttered to himself..

Taehyung looked at him, totally warned about what the youngling just said.

Standing up from his seat, he walked towards jungkook, who just backed away until his back hit the wall.

Taehyung caged the boy by putting his hand (loudly) above the younger's head, making him gasp.

The Midnight Sun T.K ✅Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum