chapter 1

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Dark clouds surrounded all over the place.. fire and smoke all over..Shouting and crying of people.. who wants nothing but mercy.. mercy from the monster.. monster which was taking away their life, thier peacefulness, their own people whom they called family..

The monster was humongous, very large, red in colour, two small horns sticking out of his head.. an upside down cross was stiched on his stomach.. a stick wrapping addicting herbs in it was smoked by him.. the smoke coming out from both the sides making virtual horns.. a sickening grin on his face..

Which was soon replaced with a expression of fear when a man in black and furry cloak came out from the fire... the magic emperor kim taehyung "you monster" the expression of the monster changing from fear from a mocking one.. the demon stood up a fire sword in his hand.. taehyung raised his hand and shouted a spell " poision magic: violett schirm" with that a big wave of purple poision washed over the demon which he slashed with his fire sword.. and attacked the man.. they fought and fought and fought..

All the people of the city were out of the place, seeing thier magic emperor in a combat with the filthy demon.. now taehyung was getting tired.. he was gasping for breath even though the demon was large he was fast.. he fell down with a thud in the ground blood spurting out if his mouth and that's when he felt the presence of him..
he hovered over him and looked at his eyes with pure love in it only for him.. only for taehyung.. and the demon slashed his sword on the man making him spit blood to which taehyung jolted up to see if he was okay.. he held taehyung's face gently with his hands and said.."don't worry tae..  until next time" and closed his eyes.. taehyung's eyes filled with tears.. shouting at him to wake up.. but when he saw there was no motion..

taehyung looked up at the demon to see him recovering from his previous attack ready to hit another..he whispered" light magic: absolute monarch of divine brilliance" and in a fraction of minute the whole city was covered with an ominous light and...

"Jungkook-ahh wake up my prince.."
Opening his eyes due to the direct rays of sunshine hitting his face he turned around.."maaa.. let me sleep" he whined.. " listen here sir.. you wake up or no cabbage stew for you today.." with a groan the boy with doe-eyes, button nose and bunny teeths named jungkook finally woke up..
"Why is my son so lazy.. dear lord!!"
Jungkook rolled his eyes at his mother's dramatic behaviour "why are you so over dramatic maaa!!" He said in the same tone but high pitched voice.."yeah yeah young man, now that I'm old you will bully me huh?"
Jungkook just laughed at that.. "even though I would love to.. but you see who will make me banana milks and cabbage stew then?" To which jungkook's mother gave him a shock gasp.. putting on his jacket jungkook asked.."your coming right, ma?" " can I miss my prince's griamore receiving,huh?" With that they just headed out to the town tour where everyone of the town received their griamore.. the town hall was filled with new adults all excited, ready to show off, hopeful to get the strongest griamore the four clover griamore.. jungkook walked at the middle of the crowd.. all of the children's parents were standing at the side cheering for them.

The tower guard came and the whole room became silent.. the man had big white beard, he was wearing green silk robe with a wizard hat and hands were at back, folded. He spoke " today all the new adults of our village will be getting their own griamore, and few choosen ones will be send to the royal City for the magic knight selection.. I hope everyone use their griamore for good use and make our village with that being said please raise your hands madam and gentlemen" every kid in the room raised their hands and the books in the shelf started shinning with different colours, excited howls, giggles laughs were heard.. everyone got their griamore when a girl shouted "oh my look at jungkook's griamore it's so rusty and dirty looking.." and started laughing followed by everyone even the parents.. jungkook's mom looked at him with a concerned face.. but all she saw on jungkook's face was uttermost happiness and respect for the rusty and dirty griamore in his hand.. soon the laughing died down and everyone started leaving the town hall.. when the hall master called him.. "jungkook dear, come with me for a second please" he and his mother looked at eachother before nodding their head.. they entered the town office.. "could you show me your griamore dear?" And jungkook nodded at that and gave his griamore to the old man who took it with a smile.. he caressed the griamore a little and his eyes went wide could it be... regaining his composure he gave it back to jungkook.. " its a very special griamore jungkook.. but you should be very cautious while using it.. promise me.. you'll always use it for the good of the others.."
"Don't worry grandpa I'll become the second most powerful sage of the country in no time all I need is practice.." he said proudly while nodding to himself the hall master laughed at the boys cheerfulness..
"I sincerely hope so jungkook.."
With that the mother-son duo left the town hall..
"....the future holds much more than a powerful sage for you jungkook."

So every one this is the first chapter I hope you'll enjoy but let me tell you the chapters get fun after the magic knight selection so wait for it..

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