chapter 26

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"This is the last time I am asking. Where is Jungkook?"

"Fuck off brother"


"So the history has repeated itself huh"


"We need to locate Jungkook right now, before he gains his power"

"What about Jiah?"

"Let her be in the dungeon I will see her later-"

"Taehyung,Now that she knows we know she won't hold back, you are-"

"Don't patronize me Jimin"

"I am not patronizing you! You are not thinking straight. You are not a baby Taehyung."

He growled and walked over to Jimin.

"It is my Kingdom, Jimin. I can see it go down, burn. I don't care but I want my beloved safe in my arms"


The boy groaned.

He was feeling uneasy.

There was a feeling of grimace he was feeling unknowingly.

His back hurt for some reasons-

A terrifying scream left his sweet cherry lips.

Blood flowing down his back, beautiful black wings made itself on his back.

In a moment, all beings inside his boundaries were dead. Their blood
In the hands of that  boy.

His eyes blood red, his dirty pastel colour clothing was replaced with something terrorising. A black smoke covered his body working as a cloak, stopping it from exposing itself from the world.

It wasn't allowed to be seen by some lowly Immortals.

A black crown made itself on his head, fixing itself like it always belonged there.

Getting put of the cave where he was caged in.

He shouted.

Air. The strongest element to exist within his power.

He cackled.

Dread and horror made their way to all the corners of the world.

Making his presence known.

Making the presence of the Demon King known.

Everybody needed to know.

He was back.

He flew through the sky racing the air.

His love was in Danger.

He could sense it.

He growled.



The continuous knocking on the door, annoyed the two sitting inside the room.

Allowing the person to enter.

They saw a knight making his way inside, panting, his condition was bad.

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