chapter 20

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'Heaven and Hells Aphrodite, What examination is this of me?' 

Jungkook was sitting with Jimin in the meeting room talking about God knows what and the other captains were sitting there with the emperor who was eyeing Jungkook, deep in his own thoughts.

Hoseok still wasn't healed to be concious, so he was in the medic room with tightened security, he was now a S-rank threat to the nation.

Jungkook making the request of meeting his mother immediately was so indearing to Taehyung, that he couldn't deny and send some of his knights to escort the woman in the most gentlest and luxurious way ever.

There was a knock on the door which took Taehyung's attention and he sat straight, clearing his throat, it was his personal maid.

"Your change of cloths are ready sire".

Taehyung sighed bitterly before nodding at the captains and leaving the meeting to get ready.

Get ready for what? It was the mating season. It was an order from the higher ups that it was mandatory for Taehyung to attend it, as Jungkook has had a memory loss, it's better for him to now forget about him and find someone else.

The thing that raged Taehyung was how casually they fucking said it.
For the past hundreds of years he has been finding Jungkook and now he shall forget about him, just because of the side-effect of that damn curse.

Aphrodite asked him to attend it or he would have never.
He never denies Aphrodite.

Walking towards his room suddenly he felt as if someone was choking him, he looked around in his frantic position still panting due to the pain and no intake of oxygen. He saw no-one around. But someone was choking him, he could feel it but not see.

He felt someone touch his whole body, with a very slight and gentle touch, he couldn't describe the feeling.
Then everything stopped.

Leaning his body against the wall, he tipped his head back and ran his hands down his neck; trailing them down his broad chest. He stilled a moment when his hand reached the location of his scar which found its home on his toned side.

His deep voiced hummed lightly to himself and closed his eyes. He gulped and his Adams apple bobbed, sweat trickled down his neck. He let out a sigh as he watched small drops of water seep into the cracks of cobblestone. He wiped his face, small traces of sweat transferring onto his hand. The male groaned once more.

He looked around once more with heightened senses but found nothing, it was getting late he needed to get ready for the damn Ball.


"There's always a bigger player, Taehyung."

It said in a hushed voice before dissolving in the darkness like It belonged there.


"What the actual fuck are you talking about?"

"Well its not always Aphrodite comes and asks me to do a favour for her" said Jimin while keeping the cloths in his hand on the table near the bed. 

Yoongi sighed, and scoffed.

"Jim you are not doin' this, and that's final" He added. Jimin sighed walking towards his fiancee, coiling his hands around his neck, closing the said distance between the face, their faces so close together, a temporary vacuum creates itself because of the tiny distance between them.

"Yoongi babe, Aphrodite knows what's best for him, Everything she does has a reason, and Taehyungie is the Angel King, he needs to mate, and I'm just helping Aphrodite find him a mate."
Said Jimin. Yoongi didn't know what to say, Jimin was right, Aphrodite was always right, he needs to believe her and her decision to be content.

"Fine, do whatever you want"
Jimin smiled and pecked his lips making Yoongi break out in a small smile.

"I love you" the younger whispered.

"I love you more" yoongi hushed out before kissing him.


"Excuse me captain, I don't understand why am I not allowed to go home or why am I even in the capital?" Jungkook said looking lost.

Jin and Namjoon looked at eachother.
Now how are they going to explain it.

"It's the order of the all-mighty emperor, dear Gentleman and you do not have the choice to decline and I am sure you know perfectly well about it." Namjoon said.

"But." Jungkook was cut off when Jin said.
"Gentleman, why don't you go to your room and rest, When your family comes you will be informed."

Jungkook saw there was no room for the conversation he wanted so leaving was the best choice, having no option and feeling tired he obliged to it.

"Have a good rest"

"Thank you, for your hospitality, Sire"

"It's an pleasure"

With that Jungkook left the meeting room.

Jin looked at Namjoon.

"Taehyungie sure is getting hit by karma, but nevertheless that's a very cruel thing for The Goddess to do."

"You reap what you say, darling, I'm sure he knows he deserves what's currently happening to him."

"How long do we avoid the topic, love? What do we say when he asks again?" Asked Jin.

" We cannot really tell Jungkook he's an untamed beast under tight security of the nation" he added. "That would be very cruel"

"Let's just try to ignore the topic as much as we can" said the blonde again, with a sigh.

"For now we wait for the mother's arrival with anticipation"

"We do, exactly that" Namjoon smiled.


"Mum when will you arrive? I don't feel well" jungkook said while clutching the pillow tightly, wrapped around the blanket, a few drops of tears falling down his cheeks.

" Everything feels so extraordinarily ordinary, It feels something so close to me is here I just can't reach out to it, Mum please come, I cannot handle anymore"

"I feels suffocated for some reason, suffocated with emotions"
A sob emitted from him.

He cried until sleep and tiredness devoured him from the world.

Evil awaited, So did fate.
Destiny could not be changed, but people can.
Friends can become Foes and foes can become friends.
It's all destiny.

(A memory)

"Do you believe in destiny, tokki?"

"Destiny?" He asked.

"Yes, destiny. Do you believe the idea of the destiny?"

"I don't." He said while smiling.

The man with dark fluffy hair, smiled and chuckled a little too, ruffling the younger's hair.

"And why is that?"

I don't like the idea of someone controlling my life, i control my life."

The End.

(End of season 1. Season 2 continues)

The Midnight Sun T.K ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon