chapter 25

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"I beg you"

"I don't--I don't want to kill you"


" Taehyung are you even listening to yourself?"

"We have no hardcore proof Jiah is a part of them."  Said Yoongi.

"No, Yoongi, the more you think about it the clearer it is" he said.

"Jiah got the power because Mother asked the Queen witch" cried Yoongi.

"The queen witch warned Yoongi" he growled lowly, Yoongi still not backing off.

"The Queen witch is sly Taehyung,she was the mediocre of the war our Mum died in!"

"Everyone craves power Yoongi, you do anything for it, I admire her about that, her extent and her passion" he growled again.

"She betrayed father, Taehyung" Yoongi's voice firm with anger.

"I'm not Father, Yoongi." He yelled.
"I do not appreciate you talking ill about someone your Emperor looks up to"

The elder looked at him in disbelief, turning around to leave, when the emperor spoke again.

"She showed me the future, Yoongi"

"She showed you wrong then"

"She didn't put up any charade."

"So you will assume it was your sister, your own fucking sister!"

"I know it was my own fucking sister, enlighten me if you have someone else to doubt"

"Yeah well, What about Jungkook?"

Jimin gasped, grasping his fiance's arm.

Taehyung growled.

"Get out"

"Taehyung calm down please" jimin shushed the panting man who was giving a death glare to Yoongi, whose eyes widened in realisation of his words.

"Put some brain in him to atleast think before he speaks." He spat.

Jimin looked towards Yoongi vulnerably.

"I've seen it, Yoongi. I've seen his past, he-he hasn't done anything.It cannot be my Jungkookie"

"Aphrodite wont lie to me again"

He trusted her again.

A drop of warm tear fell on his cheeks.

Jimin looked at Yoongi, as of disappointed, tears pooling around his eyes too.

"I- Apologies Taehyung"

"I am sorry"

"Yoongi, I want you to meet the Queen  Witch immediately. Set off right now."

The wind spirit nodded.

He looked at his fianceé one last time kissing him on his forehead.

Bidding him a goodbye.

Taehyung didn't look at them.

He didn't had the courage to.

He wanted Jungkook.

He needed Jungkook.

To live.

To survive.

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