chapter 8

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"Hoseok you should inform, taehyung" namjoon said while pacing around the room.
" No namjoon, I shall find out before anything happens to the empire, to the emperor, to the people and to her, how can taehyung be so heartless to send her to the higher-ups? How can taehyung when he knows that she suffered the same as he did? How can he send her to Aphrodite?"


With a wave of the wand, a carruagem appeared, beautifully decorated with flowers, and plants.
Jungkook was absolutely awe-struck by Jimin's power drawn from the nature, in the past two days jimin and him have had a pretty great Bonding,
And not only Jimin, he has bonded with jin,yoongi and namjoon too, but hoseok is still a  little sour at him, he  always gives him those suspicious stares.
He feels uncomfortable but also understand that he has to gain his trust, and the only way to gain his trust was to make his majesty happy.

Today him and taehyung were leaving for the mission in the dungeon, may sound not so very important for the king himself to go but the atmosphere was pretty serious, the whole kingdom was under a lockdown because there were Chances of attack.
In a matter of time Jungkook understood hiwaga kingdom was different, it never really cared of the universal treaty or the war rule.

And this was a battle of thrones, so taehyung had to go but since they don't know what will happen in the kingdom he cannot order the captains to come with him because his people's safety is always his priority, and to take more people with them will make the situation more worse than it already is, so it's better for taehyung and jungkook to go alone.

But this mission was not only a battle but a test. For jungkook. Of his weaknesses. Of his strength. Of his wisdom. Of his bravery. Of his ability to make strategies.

" Jin be careful to not act frivolous, I'm trusting you with some of the responsibilities for two weeks" taehyung eyed him up and down and continued
" Jimin be sure to ask namjoon to check the everyday report of the military management"

" Don't worry your majesty, we'll take care of everything in your absence"
Jimin said while saluting to taehyung
Causing the latter to slightly role his eyes but he nodded nevertheless.

" Jungkook."
The brunette peaked his head from behind seokjin's broad shoulder, his cheeks puffed out due to the amount of food he took in one bite, behind him yoongi sluggishly looked up with his stoic face still chewing the strawberry.
Taehyung stared at him in total disbelief.

" Yoongi, how infuriating. How could you act in such a way in front of your emperor?" Taehyung asked.
Yoongi gazed at jungkook to see him looking at him too.
" Hyung, you should offer one to his majesty, maybe he's hungry."
Yoongi stared at him for a little while and nodded.
" Nice catch, boy"
He took the basket from jungkook and offered them to taehyung.
" That kid asked me to offer them to you" jungkook's eyes widened at that he was about to protest but shut his mouth after he saw taehyung glaring at him.

"No need yoongi, let's keep the departure serene and sublime"
His eyes still boring on jungkook.
" And you, follow me"
Causing jungkook to flinch a little and he desperately followed him.

Oh god how will I manage my upcoming future!

" Get down we're here" said taehyung and jungkook jumped out of the carriage.

It was a small alley between the forest, bushes, flowers, butterfly giving it vintage look, the place seemed warm, the chirping of the birds, a little sizzle of the leaves dancing on the ground due to mild wind, the smell of wild lilies and wet Soil,
There stood a gigantic castle, Covered with trees and bushes, almost as if coloured emerald.

It was a small alley between the forest, bushes, flowers, butterfly giving it vintage look, the place seemed warm, the chirping of the birds, a little sizzle of the leaves dancing on the ground due to mild wind, the smell of wild lilies and wet So...

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" Stop looking we need to get inside"
Jungkook nodded and followed the emperor.
He was itching to ask a question from his majesty to relax his confused state
" Your majesty" taehyung hummed still walking front.
" How will the other kingdom know that we have claimed the dungeon?"

They walked, squirrels eating their nuts looking at them and running past them, butterflies and birds having a ball, but those sight were ignored by jungkook when he heard taehyung sigh.
" In the middle of the castle, their will be a tree we shall claim the tree by magic and it's not necessa-"
" A tree? We just have to claim a tree then why is it a hard mission?"

Taehyung stopped and glared at him.
" First I warn you don't cut me off when I'm in the middle of talking, second it's not your duty to give something a title of hard or easy.."

" His majesty just wanted a holiday why dosen't he just excepts it..."
Murmured jungkook while looking around, so he didn't noticed taehyung halted in his place causing him to bump at his back backing away he was going to apologize when taehyung held his wrist and slammed him on the near wall.

" Who do you think you are to make assumptions about me? And tell me what are you going to do if I say I am here for a vacation but not to claim the castle?"
Jungkook just quietly looked down.
" What's wrong now? Cat got your tongue?"
" H-his majesty clearly said two weeks while talking with jin hyung, with his majesty's power he could defeat the enemies in a day"

Taehyung backed away and held back a sinister chuckle with a Snort.
" Boya, how told you that I was gonna fight, all the actions are yours to handle"

He's gonna pee his pants, the kingdom  under lockdown and the chances of attack from hiwaga kingdom will give him a great sense of responsibility and pressure let's see how he handles it.

The mission wasn't that hard but not that easy too, he needed check jungkook's power, he dosen't understand why his strings always push him towards jungkook,

"Your strings are special taehyung.
They are the strings of fate, one's destiny. They have the power to change one's fate, never abandon them" said taehyung's granddam.
"What's so special about them granddam?"
" They are far more precious and sinister then something in this human world,  they come from a very dark place and always awaiting to return there. A person of tremendous sin could only attract them, but that person will be someone special to you, someone you have lost many times to gain them, but love my child has no boundaries. You are the king of light,
He should be the king of darkness"

" You didn't got scared did you, jungkook?" Jungkook was looking down, almost as if denying to make an eye contact with taehyung, he slowly looked up at taehyung, his smile so big and bright it could enlighten the whole world, a totally different reaction from what taehyung thought, causing taehyung to raise an eyebrow at him.

" I'm sorry for smiling your majesty, but you made me so happy by giving this honour that I couldn't help but smile"  he said and walked away leaving taehyung behind.

Taehyung looked perplexed by the boy's word but

He smiled.

He now could trust jungkook, because now he understood what Jiah saw in him, his power has no limit at all, the terrifying aura which had the power to shook even taehyung, he looked up to see the starry sky.

Granddam, I've found him.

Alright I understand the previous chapters are a little confusing but all your doubts will vanish with the upcoming chapters and some of you may still are confused about who are the higher ups? It's their father. Now who's the father? And what is taehyung talking about? don't  make haste my dear readers, please buckle yourself up because we are here for a hell of a ride.
And I think I've been improving my writings a lot.(。・//ε//・。)
So do praise me a little♡(> ਊ <)♡

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