chapter 7

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Jungkook was in his room sulking,
He didn't really liked what the emperor said, he heard that the emperor was very kind hearted and all, and even the captains say that then why is he being rude to him?
Maybe I'm his mortal enemy? Maybe he's scared of my powers?.. no no no that's not even possible, the magic emperor is very powerful..maybe he's the tsundre type.. Is he in love with me?? Jungkook's eyes widen at that thought and he jerked up from his sleeping position, he slapped his face once, twice and laughed, how can you be so stupid, kook? It's probably because I'm tired yes it has to be it
He decided to go to sleep since he would be a total mess if he dosen't gt his precious sleep because once he's in a mission who knows how many days he has to go without sleep.
So tomorrow's routine is decided.
Sleep, train, sleep, train and sleep again.

Keeping away the pen taehyung sighed, he has a lot of work to do but he cannot focus due to the letters.
He picked up the small piece of paper again.

~Over time you'll come to the realization you're no longer made up of substance but something more like a shadow and shadows are only powerful in light let's see what you do in the midnight~

He kept down the letter and sighed in frustration, he didn't knew what it meant but he dosen't even understand if this was for him or someone else.
Maybe it was for him, but taehyung cannot let him know or he shall die again.

He called Jiah through his magic wand by waving it a little and in no time, with a gush of wind she was present there.
" Yes,taehyung?"
He gives her the paper, and her calm expression stirs up into a suspicious one, she asks.
" Do you think it's from the higher up?"
" I don't understand myself" he massaging his head and continued
"Jiah I want you to go meet the higher ups and discuss about it."

" Hmm, so you and jungkook shall departure for the mission by yourselves."
He sighed again.
" I dont know if he's capable for it, I dont get why my strings tell me he is"

" What Strains you so much, it's very unlikely of you?"
" The spies have told that the hiwaga kingdom has decided to attack the dungeon" he said in a nonchalant tone. She knew it was not because of that lame reason, if taehyung wanted he could perish the kingdom with a click of his kingdom but they always test his patience and he didn't wanted to kill them too for no reasons, he was probably stiff because of the letter.
" Don't worry, brother dear, something tells me jungkook will be more than enough for this mission, take it as a hunch but a lot lies underneath that boy, a lot of knots are left to untangle, he just needs advice for the right path and your acknowledgement" to the last word taehyung looked up with a raised eyebrow.
" Are you telling me I'm hard to please?"
And Jiah replied with a emotionless face as always.
" You know the answer to that better than me, brother, I shall departure for my journey then" she said and bowed a little and left. Taehyung stood up from his place and went near the window to take the beauty of nature inside him, but the calm and peaceful atmosphere gives him a bad feeling, maybe a chill down the spines.

I hope he's able to withstand what's in their for his future.

A cold gust of air made his skin prickle. Though he warmed again quickly, goosebumps remained on his skin he ran a hand over his arm and
Felt the same peculiar feeling, he wasn't alone.
He looked down at himself to see himself in a traditional hanfu, his long hairs resting on his back, one or two floating due to wind,
He looked back to see a woman sitting under the tree on the bench, going towards her to ask where he was he asked her. " Excuse me ma'am could you please tell me about my location?"
No replies, he sat beside her to listen that she was mumbling something he concentrated a little to her words and heard

Enlighten what's dark in me
Strengthen what's weak in me
Mend what's broken in me
Bind what's bruised in me
Heal what's sick in me
And lastly

She stopped and looked at him and jumped on him, choking him. From his peripheral vision he saw a man, in a traditional wear, eyes glowing golden in the dark.

Summon it!!! Summon it my lord!!! Summon it so I can kill it!!!

Jungkook woke up from his nightmare gasping and panting for breathe.

He's getting these kind of dreams since he came here, it's been two days already and he had these nightmares already were someone was choking him and taehyung was just looking from the back.

He dosen't understand what was happening.

He sat on his bed and sighed but a Yelp passed his mouth when he saw the emperor leaning at the doorway, looking at him.

The emperor sighed and stood straight, his hands folded one on another.
" Had a nice slumber, sleeping Beauty?"
Jungkook blushed red because of the name, not flustered but embarrassed, yet jungkook decided to speak.
" Yes, m-my lord"
The red hue on his face kept increasing because taehyung kept staring at him. The emperor turned his back to him, which relieved jungkook a little, yet his presence was intense itself.
" Jiah won't be joining us"
Jungkook looked up to that, contemplating to ask a question but did nevertheless.
" Why is noona isn't joining us?"

Taehyung looked back at him.
" She had a more urgent and important mission"

Taehyung was about to walk again when jungkook stopped him again with a question.
" Will the captains be joining us too?"

" Why? I thought you were capable enough.."
Jungkook was taken aback from that sudden comment..

" Thank y-you"
Taehyung looked back at him and said again
" Thank you? Why? So you believe you're stronger than the captains?"

Taehyung was still not facing jungkook but he knew the younger would be flustered and his stutters confirmed the theory making him grin a little.

" Get ready jungkook, we'll be departing soon" with that said and the emperor took a step forward but halted again and said.
" The next time I meet you, make sure you are dressed or it won't be long that you will beg me" this time taehyung showed his teasing grin to jungkook while looking at him from top to bottom jungkook looked down at himself to see him showing his naked upper half, hastily he covered himself from the emperor.

" I wonder what is under that cover.." and the emperor left, leaving jungkook flustered it was his third time meeting the emperor and he has embarrassed himself twice already.

He looked under the blanket to find himself naked and quickly covered again.

I'm never sleeping naked again.

The Midnight Sun T.K ✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ