Chapter 48: The "Planning the Plan."

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After making love, Taehyung settled beside Jin. "I love you, Jinnie." Jin smiled. "I love you too, Taehyung."

Taehyung got up. "You take rest. I will clean it." He said and Jin, even though he wanted to help, he can't. His body gave out. Jin nodded. Taehyung went into the bathroom to get a cloth and water to clean themselves up. Jin drifted off to sleep, peacefully.

Taehyung cleaned everything and came back, settled beside Jin, who was sleeping. He put his hand around Jin's waist and pulled him closer, to which Jin reacted snuggling closer to Taehyung. Taehyung kissed him on the forehead.

Taehyung just couldn't have a peaceful nap because he has an important job to do. He has to change the plan. He asked for it, himself.

Jin woke up after an hour and found Taehyung troubling himself on something. "What are you doing, Taehyung!?" Taehyung glanced at Jin. "I am just trying to plan. Plan change, remember?" Jin chuckled.

"It is fine, Taehyung. Don't stress yourself. We can do it my way and it is hella easy. Ok?" "No! I can't let that asshole touch you. Not even can he glance at your side."

Jin giggled out. "Too possessive of me, my Taehyung." He said while pinching his chubby cheeks. "We have to do this. No matter what, we have to end this." Taehyung nodded thoughtfully.

"I still have time till tomorrow afternoon. Since the day after tomorrow is a Sunday, we will meet up everyone and I will tell you plan, ok?"

Jin nodded. "Okay!" He smiled. "Why don't we continue watching the movie. Wait-did you switch off the T.V?" Taehyung shook his head slowly. They ran down stairs and found the T.V still running. Jin put his hands on his hips, while Taehyung held onto his ears.


The rest of the day, the cuddled seeing the thriller again. Jin left to his place and told Taehyung to let them know. Calling everyone and telling them individually is not Taehyung. Instead he created a group, named it as..

Taehyung's POV

I thought and thought and thought and finally came up with a dumb group subject. But it's ok, all the five will leave once this whole thing is done.

*Plan Change* I added Jin.

Taehyung: Hey, baby. Add your brothers, I will add my brother and Jiminie. Ok?

Baby ❤😘: Ok, Taehyung. ☺

He is one of the sweetest, my love!

*Unkown number is added by 'Baby ❤😘'*

*You added 'Yoongi Hyung 🤘'*

*Unkown number is added by 'Baby ❤😘'*

*You added 'Jiminie Pabo 💜'*

Taehyung: Hello, guys.

" ": Hello, Taehyung. Jin told me. What is up?

" ": Hello, hyung. What are y'all doing?

Yoongi Hyung🤘: Another group?

Jiminie Pabo 💜: Hello! I am Jimin, here.

Yoongi Hyung 🤘: And I am Yoongi.

Baby ❤😘: I am Jin.

" ": I am Hoseok.

" ": And I am Jungkoooooooooook.

I save their numbers.

Taehyung: I made this group to tell you guys about the plan. I have an idea and I wanna tell you guys about it. And we can all meet up on Sunday for that. Ok? At Jin's cafe.

Jiminie Pabo 💜: Sunday??? Fine!!!!!

Yoongi Hyung 🤘: Sure.

Hoseok Hyung 😁: Sunday, it is then.

Baby ❤😘: Ok!

Jungkookles: I will be there at the cafe at 11.

Taehyung: Sure. Bye~

I quickly put the phone down, not wanting to face their 'bye' texts. So, what should I do? I lied to them that I already planned it.
Waaaah!!!!!!! It is so hard! I graoned.

I pace to and fro in the room aimlessly. I don't know what to do!! WHAT SHOULD I DO....?

I yell out taking a deep breath. It helped. What if we kidnap him? I mean.. Kidnap Jang Byungwoo and threaten his father to surrender for him!

I think, it will work. Yeah!!!!! It has to work.


The Saturday passed just like usual. They engrossed themselves in work as they have to meet up in Jin's cafe to discuss the   changed plan.

_Sunday, at 10:30 A.M._

Jin and Hoseok were already in the cafe waitng for others. And as said, Jungkook came to the cafe at 11. All the other came a little earlier than Jungkook. "Now you are late." Hoseok grinned at Jungkook. "I am not late. I am exactly on time." He said as he rolled his eyes.

All the others chuckled. Taehyung cleared his throat. "So! I will be telling the plan. Ok? The plan is..." Taehyung continued and all the others were listening to him closely.

After he is done, Jin and Yoongi smirked at a time, while other looked at him proudly. "That is a good idea, Hyung." Jungkook said and Taehyung immediately returned a smile. The other nod in agreement. Jin and Yoongi looked at each other and amile a bit nervous.

"That can be considered, Taehyung. You did a good job." Yoongi said and Taehyung smiled. "Thank you, thank you!"

"So, now let's see what we are supposed to do. First from Jungkook. Cookie, you and Jimin go and have your eyes on Jang Byungwoo. Yoongi hyung, you have your eye on Jang Beomsoo, because it is easy for you. Me, hyung and Taehyung will plan on what to do and will let you all know in the next meeting. Ok?

All the others nodded when their names were mentioned. The last three also nodded after it was decided. Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook went away to do their respective Jobs.

Taehyung Jin and Hoseok were still in the cafe and planned the whole thing. How to kidnap him? How to get his attention? How to get this done in their own way?

"And one more thing, I need you all here for next few days till we catch Beomsoo. Even though I started it and I should complete it, I just don't know, I need you all. It is my fault from the beginning, but please forgive me. I can't do anything without you all." All the others just shook their heads.

"We are here for you, baby. Dont worry at all. I will come.. I have some trustworthy employees in my company and I trust them." Taehyung comforted Jin. Jin smiled.

Hyung and Jungkook, I know you will come. Yoongi hyung, since you said you are free,i expect your presense almost everyday. Call me selfish, but as I said, I need you. Jimin.. It is your convenience. Come when you are not busy, ok? You are already doing a lot for us." The three nodded, shrugging it off.

"I will try to come. If I have a chance I will definitely come, Jinnie. But, if it is more important, then just call me. I will be here in an instant. Ok?" Jimin said immediately with a eye smile. Jin thanked him, holding onto his hands.

"Can I kiss him, Taehyungie? Just for once. He is cute and sweet and I can't resist him at all. Even though you will stop me now, I can do it some other time, when you are not there." Jimin asked Taehyung in the sweetest way possible.......


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