Chapter 6: The "Promise"

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_Next day_


_At 6: 47 A.M_

Hoseok's POV

Let's play a game. A game to get everything my baby deserves.

I think he is not bad. He is making my baby happy. And that's what I want. And that's what cookie also has to get. He thinks he is young but when he gets to make his own decisions, I will do the same.

What they've gone through, I know.
I will do anything for my babies.I will stand on my word. I will not break my promise.


Waeh, waeh, waeh...

Loud crying sounds are resonating in the corridor of the hospital, floor 4. Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung with little hoseok in his hands, are walking up and down restlessly.

Little Hoseok was sleeping in his appa's hands, woke up from the sleep. "Dada?"

Mr. Jung beamed at his son. "Hobi. You have a new friend. We have a new family member. Aunt gave birth to a baby, hobi. We will go inside and invite him into the world. Ok?" The baby nodded happily.

Doctor invited all of them into the operation theatre. Mr. Jung wanted some time outside and he wanted little Hoseok to know what he has to do or not to do before going into the room.

~In the hospital room~

Mr. Kim went into the room with teary eyes. He was happy and at the same time, was nervous. "Honey, honey, I have a got a nice, cute man in my hands. He is so beautiful." "I know I should not say beautiful, but he will become handsome while he is growing. See honey, our son got your eyes. He looked at his wife who just closed her eyes lying down. He just put his hand on her head. "Oh! you have slept. Take rest, honey."

Mr. Jung came inside the room with the broghtest smile with the baby Hoseok.
"Kim Suseok, where is my Nephew? Oh, there you are. He is so cute!" He said pinching the infants cheeks lightly. "See Hobi, your cousin brother." Little Hoseok squealed. "Appa, baby."

Mrs. Kim saw the way little Hoseok was happy and her family happy. "Yes, a baby." Mr. Kim glanced at her and then at the baby. "I thought you were sleeping." Mrs. Kim smield and said, "I just closed my eyes, hon. I can't sleep when there's my baby in front of me."

"As we planned, we are going to name him Kim Seokjin." Mr. Kim said looking at the baby sleeping soundly in his mother's arms. "Kim Suseok, that's a nice one. Hobi, your cousin's name is Kim Seokjin. Say Kim Seokjin."

Little Hoseok pouted for attention
He was lacking attention as everybody their's was on the baby. "Ba-by" He said giggling, showing all his baby teeth.
The room filled with their laughter seeing little Hoseok's cuteness. "Hobiii, come to aunty." Said Mrs. Kim, Mr. Jung went forward and placed Little Hoseok on the bed beside Mrs. Kim. Meanwhile, she motioned to her husband to give her the infant.

Mrs. Kim softly looked at both at them with love and affection. "Hobi, this is your brother. Please take care of him. Promise me, you will take care of him." Hoseok was looking at his aunty with puppy eyes, not knowing what to say.

Mr. Kim shook his head as he looked at their interaction. "He is just a 2 year old boy, honey. What will he understand?"

Mrs. Kim looked at her husband who is shaking his head and annoyingly said, "I know, hon. But... " She stopped mid-sentence and looked down as her eyes started to tear up.

Mr. Kim put his hand on his wife for soothing her. "Started overthinking? Stop it, honey. Nothing bad is going to happen."

"Kim Suseok, it's ok. Anyways, it's his responsibility to take care of his brother. And I was going to say that too." Mr. Jungk said, Glancing at his sister whose head hung low.

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