S1 Ep8 ( 💎🍎Look before you sleep🍎💎) Pt (2/3 )

620 10 4

( Ghost Story's , S'more making and pillow fights)

- later that evening as everyone's hairs where curled up in rolls-

💎Rarity - sooooo How are you getting along over there applejack?

🍎Applejack- just FINE Rarity...

✨Twilight- This is so fun! Makeovers? Check!

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✨Twilight- This is so fun! Makeovers? Check!

- our manes turn back to normal-

✨Twilight- Ohhhhh~ it says here that we gotta tell Ghost story's! Who wants to go first?

🍎AJ- ME!!

🍎Also AJ- I'd like to tell y'all the terrifying tale of the prissy Ghost who drove everypony crazy with her Unnecessary neatness! Ooooooooo~ I bet your sure are familiar with that one rarity?

💎Rarity- I've never heard of it but I know of a better one. It's the Horrifying Story of the inconsiderate Ghost who irritates everypony within a hundred miles! Ooooooooo~

🍎AJ- that's not a real story, you made it up!

💎Rarity- it is a Ghost story Applejack. There all made up.

Lightning strikes as it not only scares applejack and rarity but (Y/n) as well.

🪐( Y/n)- eeeek!

✨Twilight- *with a lamp* I got one! This story's called: the legend of the headless Horse. It was a dark and stormy night just like this one, and 4 ponies where having a slumber party just... like.. this one...

-Later Into the story-

✨Twilight - and just when the last pony thought that she was safe? There right behind her standing just inches way was........ THE HEADLESS HORSE!

Rarity and Applejack- *big Gasps!* Aaaaaaaahhhh!

Rarity and Applejack- *big Gasps!* Aaaaaaaahhhh!

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