Part 6 >into the everfree forest. ( Applejack: element of honesty)

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-(Y/n) p.o.v-
A little while later none of us really knew where we where going in this forest.

Fluttershy- so none of you have been in here before?

Rarity- OH heavens no!  Just look at this place! It's dreadful.

Aj- and it just ain't natural,folks say it doesn't work the same as equestria....

As aj says this I am pretty sure that I saw a piece of blue and purple smoke go into the mountain we where on!     (And I'm at the very back of the group!)

As aj says this I am pretty sure that I saw a piece of blue and purple smoke go into the mountain we where on!     (And I'm at the very back of the group!)

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Twilight- what's that supposed to mean?! 😰

RD- nooooooooo pony KNoooowS!!!  7:3
You know why?

(Y/n) and Applejack- Rainbow dash quit it! 😠

Rd- Cause anypony who has ever come in has never come ........

As she scares rarity, Fluttershy and pinkie the mountain side suddenly collapsed as the rest of  us except for Fluttershy and rainbow dash are sended falling below.
Rd-Fluttershy: Fluttershy, quick!

Fluttershy-OH my goodness Oh my goodness! 

Rainbow Dash-*grabs pinkie pie*
Fluttershy- *grabs rarity*

Applejack sees me and twilight over a ledge clearly struggling to get up. so she goes over while trying to reassure us and holds onto both of our hooves.  I think twilight was more worried then I was at this point.

Twilight- Applejack what do I do???

(Y/n)- *rolls eyes* *looks up and sees rd and Fluttershy*

I then mouthed to applejack to look up on what was above us so when she did she was in surprised before smirking at the situation.

AJ- twilight......... let go.....

Twilight- are you CRAZY??!! 

AJ- no I ain't...... I promise you will be safe.

Twilight- but that's not true......

Y/n- Listen here twilight! What applejack is saying is the absolute truth!

AJ- yeah... let go and I promise you'll be safe.

Twilight- *let's go as she screams half way down but only to realise that rainbow dash and Fluttershy catches her in the nick of time*

Twilight- *let's go as she screams half way down but only to realise that rainbow dash and Fluttershy catches her in the nick of time* Phew!

Oops! Ang larawang ito ay hindi sumusunod sa aming mga alituntunin sa nilalaman. Upang magpatuloy sa pag-publish, subukan itong alisin o mag-upload ng bago.

Whooo Hooo!!!!  I shouted as twilight is safely lowered to the ground at the same time applejack helps me up.

AJ- now ...... how on earth are we gonna get down from here?

Me- hmmmmmm? OH I KNOW!  I can use my teleportation spell to well.... Teleport back down to where the girls are.

AJ- I guess I can find a way to hop on down.
Meet ya there.  *Starts hopping down*

I nod as i close my eyes and concentrate on where I want to teleport 2. But good news and bad news.

The bad news is that when it worked I only teleported half way Down and started to fall from there!

And the good news is that rainbow dash caught me in the nick of time as well just before I could even hit the ground! 😃

-On the ground-

Twilight- what was that???

I'm ....... not sure... I say confused.

But I definitely should be practicing and learning some spells that could come handy!

Twilight- when we get back, if you want i could teach you some spells......

Really?! I say clearly shocked! 😮

Twilight- yeah! ............ I could teach you what I know. Besides let's not talk about that now let's just get going.

Right! I say as we all head on our merry way. 7:3


MLP FIM - (fem reader insert) (story of the 7th element)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon