S1 Ep 7 (🦋🐉dragonshy🐉🦋) pt (2/2)

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Hi everyone I got some good news! I finally found my book that had the episode: boast busters! Cool right?

Well anyways before we begin.. I'm going to start off with no ones point of view or as others would say a ( third persons view) sooooo. I will be seeing you now until the end of the chapter! Enjoy. 😁

-At the lower part of the mountain-

From and at the very top. The dragon snores so loudly that it makes the whole entire Mountain shake as well as the more smoke that was added.

Obviously because of this Fluttershy hides behind Applejack.

🌈 Rn- Whoa! What was that??

✨ Twilight- That, is what it sounds like when a dragon snores.

🦋 Fluttershy- *peeks out from behind Aj* it ... its.. it's so ... high...

🌈 Rd- well .. it is a mountain! I'm gonna fly up there and check it out. *Fly's up only to be pulled back down again by applejack*

🍎 AJ- now hold on now.. I think we all should go up together. Safety measures and all.

🌈 Rd- OH all right! 😠 *crosses her hooves*

-A little while later as nearly everyone is walking up the steep mountain side-

💎 Rarity- I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragons scales are the jewels they use to build there nests. Oooo~ if I play my cards right, I might be able to convince him to part with a Few!

🎈 Pinkie: [ intimidating a dragon] welcome to my cave rarity. Care for a diamond? *Roars*

Everyone except for twilight, Fluttershy and (y/n)- *laughs*

✨ Twilight- girls this is no laughing matter! Fluttershy, your the expert on wild creatures so what do you think the dragon will be like?

Everypony then stops walking and looks behind them only to see that Fluttershy and (y/n) wasn't following them. Fluttershy was hiding in the bush and (y/n) was just standing up and looking up at them.

🌈 Rd- Hey! What are you both waiting for?? An invitation??

🎈 Pinkie- Ooo~ I think I got some right here! * *randomly takes 2 invitations out her saddle bag and holds them both in her mouth*

🎈 Pinkie- Ooo~ I think I got some right here! * *randomly takes 2 invitations out her saddle bag and holds them both in her mouth*

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🦋 Fluttershy- it .. It .. it's so ... Steep!

🌈 Rd- well it is a cliff. You could Just OH idk fly up here??

🪐(Y/n)- But , Dash! I don't have any wings and I'm so sorry but ... I can't stand steep cliffs to climb as well.

🌈 Rd- Oh pony feathers! *face- palms herself*

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