S1 Ep 13 ( 🌈🌳Fall weather Friends🌳🌈) pt (1/2)

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An: hi! it's me. I finally got around to doing this! , so, I hope you all enjoy! . It has been a LONG time since I last and Actually updated this book! 

And I noticed this but... apparently there has been a LOT of views ever since I first started this book.

Like, idk... and nearly 10k Reads! ( at the moment It's around 9. 53k  but still! And for that I thank you! )


It was Another nice Day in Equestria and in Sweet apple Acres we see Applejack and Rainbow dash play a game of horseshoe throwing.

🌈Rd- *throws her Horseshoe near this stick* ( Grunts ) whoo-hoo!

🍎Applejack- Hoo-wee! Not a Bad pitch for a pony who works with her head in the clouds.

🌈Rd- Oh yeah? Think you can do better, cowgirl?

🍎Applejack- I know I can. *Throws her Golden Horseshoe just below rainbows* Oh, for Pete's Sake!

🌈Rd- heh, looks like this Pegasus can pitch better then the Workhorse. The Object of the game is to get the closest to the stake.

🍎Applejack- All right , all right! You got another throw there, pony girl.

This time. Rainbow Dash throws... well, Flings her horseshoe I bit too far and crashes into something that sounded like glass!

Wow, rainbow. Heh! You couldn't hit a barn door with that kind of a throw! Applejack says sarcastically.

🌈Rainbow dash- Yeah , yeah. I still have the closet throw, AppleSmack. Just try and beat it!

Applejack goes and tosses her horseshoe. And luckily for her. Her horseshoe makes a ring around the stake!

🍎Applejack- Yee-haw! It's a ringer! . That's how you do it down here on the farm.

🌈Rainbow dash- I .. lost.

🍎Applejack- Ah. Don't feel bad rainbow. It's all in good fun.

🌈Rainbow dash- I Hate loosing.

🍎Applejack- besides, you're a mighty good athlete. I'm just better. Heh heh heh! *Starts To walk away as Rd follows behind*

🌈Rainbow dash- all right, applejack. You think you're the top athlete in all of ponyville?

🍎Applejack- well, I was gonna say all of Equestria. But, that might be gildin the lily.

🌈Rainbow dash- ... and I think I'm the top Athlete. So, let's prove it.

🍎Applejack- prove what?

🌈Rainbow dash- I challenge you to an Iron pony competition, a series of Athletic contests to decide who's the best , once and for all.

🍎Applejack- you know what, rainbow? Your on!

Both Rd and applejack-
*spits on their hooves and makes a deal*

——- ( theme Song )——
- ( after it ) -

MLP FIM - (fem reader insert) (story of the 7th element)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя