Chapter 47

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Evelyn. 1:38 p.m.

After lunch, Theo had to leave. I wasn't paying full attention as to why, some sort of important royal matters, but I had the next few hours to myself. I found an old notebook, so I wrote down some random thoughts. "Dear Future Ev," it read. "Today is June 28th, 2021. I'm currently bored, so that's why I'm writing this. I'm laying on the most beautiful bed in the most beautiful room of the most beautiful castle in the most beautiful town. I have the guy, the life, everything I've ever wanted. But yet I still worry. What if I'm too much for him? I am a mess. A PTSD-ridden 25-year-old who doesn't know what she wants out of life. Who is secretly too afraid to commit to titles because she's been broken before. Who's afraid of being used or assumed to only be in it for the money. Who mainly just wishes her mom was alive to tell her what to do. Who misses her mom." read the text before I was interrupted. A knock on the door brought me back to life. I opened it and jumped a little to see Amelie. "Oh, um, is Theodore there?" she asked with an indescribable look on her face. I shook my head no. "Oh, alright," she said as she turned to leave. "Hey wait, Amelie," I stopped her. She turned back. "I know you don't particularly like me, and that's okay, but just know I'm always here if you feel like talking," I told her. A partial smile appeared on her face. "I don't hate you. It's just hard to not have my brother around all the time. He and I have just always been really close," Amelie admitted. I smiled in understanding. Theo was always close to everyone. Amelie smiled back. "Oh, and I came here in place of Margot. She wanted me to let you know that you two have an interview at 5 p.m. I believe that was the time," she said. "Okay thank you. I'll let Theo know as soon as he returns," I responded. She bowed her head and left. I was proud of us for coming so far in our relationship. Days ago, she hated me. I'm glad we could be friends. By then the time was 2:15. I was ever so bored, but I also did not feel like socializing or going out of the house. I laid down on the bed and sent an email to Jillian, to see how everything is down at Salem Public. As I sent the email, our bedroom door opened. Theo came in, setting a folder down on the table. "Hi bubby," I said as I lifted the blanket up, an invitation for him to come to sit with me. He smiled. "I only have a 15-minute break, unfortunately," he said, resting his head on my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair before he turned up and looked at me. "So what have you been up to?" he asked softly. "Not much. I don't really feel like leaving the house today, so I've just been hanging out. Oh, and your sis- Amelie came by. We have another interview tonight at 5," I replied. Theo frowned. "Today is going to belong," he sighed. He snuggled up a little closer. "I just wish we could lay here forever," he told me. "I know. Well, I'm sorry you have all these meetings. You do look quite nice today," I reminded him. Theo looked up at me, kissed my nose, and stood back up. He straightened his tie and collar. "Spiffy," I added with a salute. "Have I ever told you that I have a really big crush on you Evelyn Quinn?" he asked. I shook my head. "Oh well, I do. I wish I could trade places with you right now. Actually, wait, you'd be," he checked his watch, "about to start a meeting about the property landscape." I frowned. We laid there in silence for a few seconds. It was so peaceful. "You know it's still kinda funny to me how we met. I didn't ever think that I'd fall for someone that fast.

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