Chapter 22

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Theo. 2:47 p.m.

I unlocked the front door and let Evelyn in first. I took off my shoes and we met again on the couch. "Do you want to have a movie marathon today?" she asked me. "That, my friend, is an offer I cannot refuse. Movies with my current favorite person in the world," I replied. Evelyn shook her head in disbelief of what I'd just said, even though it was the truth. We picked out 3 different movies to watch. Evelyn picked some "classics" such as The Breakfast Club, When Harry Met Sally, and Avengers. "What are the Avengers?" I asked. She gasped, "You've never heard of them?" I shook my head. "I've never heard of any of these movies," I replied. "Well even more of a reason to watch it," she told me. While I struggled to get the TV on, Evelyn went into the kitchen and made a big bowl of popcorn. When she came back, we started watching The Breakfast Club first. A little bit into the movie I started to get sleepy. What felt like a few minutes after that, I awoke. I didn't even realize I'd fallen asleep, and I must have slept through all the movies. I looked over at the clock - 8:51 p.m. I was out longer than I thought. Evelyn had fallen asleep laying on me again. She was adorable, but I was losing feeling in my left leg. "Ev," I whispered as I nudged her slightly. "Evelyn," I repeated, moving my leg a bit in an attempt to wake her up. She groaned slightly and then barely opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Ev," I started, "we fell asleep again. Do you want to go lay in your bed now?" She didn't respond, so I took it as a yes. I slipped my leg out from under her arm and stood up off the couch. I leaned back over, scooped Evelyn up in my arms, and walked slowly over to her room where I set her down on the bed. I pulled a blanket up and over her. I kissed her on the forehead and clicked off the lamp on her nightstand. It was also time for me to go to bed, so I brushed my teeth in the bathroom. When I went back to my room, I was surprised to see a small grey and black fluffy cat lying at the foot of the bed. "Why hello Hazel. I guess you can stay in here tonight, " I said as I pet the cat. After turning off all the lights and making sure the front door was locked, I finally laid in bed. I thought about a lot of things, but the strongest one is how good of a life I currently had. I was almost asleep when someone busted open the door to my room.

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