Chapter 21

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Evelyn. 2:20 p.m.

Although his compliment was cheesy, I couldn't help but blush. I've never met anyone with worse jokes than Theo himself. I stood up from the ground and walked over to a row of pretty pink flowers. I picked a couple, then picked some of a different color. I turned around to Theo who placed a beautiful orange poppy in my hair. I giggled. "Poppies are my favorite," I said. He just smiled and handed me another flower. I leaned in close, and then whispered, "Tag," and ran. I ran like the wind. But I wasn't fast enough and Theo caught up to me. He grabbed my arm but lost his balance, and we both fell to the ground. I fell on top of him and we both laughed and laughed. He kissed me, and then we laid there for a while. "Is it weird to think we met one night and were dating the next?" Theo asked. I was quiet for a few seconds before I answered. "First off, we aren't 'dating' so to say. Just really good friends who sometimes make out on the couch. And second, not really. In a way, you are different. I feel like you just get me. What about you?" I said. "I agree. I know that I may not have known you for a while, but that doesn't mean I can't start now," he responded. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "We should get going," I said as I stood up. I grabbed Theo's hand and pulled him up with me. We walked hand in hand back to my car. 

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