Chapter 39

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Evelyn. 4:19 p.m.

I had finished my hair - straightened and down - and was starting my makeup when Theo stood at the sink next to me. He brushed his teeth and then put hair gel on his hair. I finished my makeup and walked to the closet to pick my outfit. Instead of a dress, I chose a deep scarlet jumpsuit paired with my white boots. Accessorized with jewelry and a small bag, I was ready to go. It was 20 minutes until our interview by the time we left our room. We walked down the staircase together when the whole family saw us. Including the mysterious brother, I'd never met. "I don't believe we've quite met, the name is Allen," he greeted. "Evelyn Quinn," I said cordially with a smile. "You're quite pretty," Allen told me. "I know, and now we are going to leave," Theo interjected hastily, as he grabbed my hand and we walked towards the back exit. I waved to the girls as the door closed. We hurried to our car trying again to avoid the cameras. Theo closed the car door behind me and reappeared on the other side. "I apologize for my brother. He has no filter when it comes to women," he admitted. We arrived at a small building and entered. There was a long table with chairs on either side. A nice woman in a suit strapped a microphone to me and Theo's backs and we sat down. "Rolling," someone said behind a camera. "Hello everyone, I am Vivian Holloway from Channel 27 News in Nottingham. I am here with Prince Theodore, Duke of and the newest addition to his family. Please state your full name, age, and where you are from," said a woman. I hesitated, this was a lot going on. I finally spoke. "My name is Evelyn Kinsey Quinn, I'm 26, and I'm from Salem, Oregon." The lady smiled. "And how did you two meet?" she asked, looking towards Theo. "We met at the public library in Salem. It was late and rainy and Evelyn let me in so I wouldn't freeze. She let me stay with her in her apartment, and things just blossomed from there," he told the lady. About an hour later, the interview concluded. The interview was live, so as soon as we'd left the building there were cameras everywhere. I didn't mind the cameras, but the overlapping chatter was annoying and loud. We got to our car, drove back home, and went upstairs. The time was 6:25 when I closed our bedroom door. We were both exhausted. "Who knew talking could be so tiring?" I sighed as I took off my shoes. "I know. Just wait until they ask for your autograph," Theo replied as he helped me unzip the back of my jumpsuit. "I like this outfit on the floor better," he said with a smirk. "Do you ever stop?" I told him in annoyance. "Nope," he responded. I rolled my eyes and changed into my cropped tank and sweats. "I'm going to go see if Grace wants to watch a movie," I said as I grabbed a blanket and left. I walked over to find Grace but she wasn't in her room. I walked down the staircase and into the dining room, but couldn't find her. I pulled open the barn doors to the library and saw her sitting alone peacefully by the fire with a book. I closed the door and she looked up at me with a smile. She ran over to me and gave me a hug. "What do you say about watching a movie?" I asked. Grace sat down on the wide chaise and I put a movie in. Beauty and the Beast - Grace's favorite movie. I sat down next to the girl and pressed play on the remote. A huge screen was projected onto the wall. And there was no place I'd rather be.

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