The Terrible Tower

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They camped outside the forest. Ethan and Roland went into the forest edge and managed to gather enough firewood without having to wander off into the forest, for which they were grateful. The forest looked more ominous than The Wonderful Wood.

"Well, I have a feeling that we are going to have it hard in the forest of fiends. We better be ready for anything."

"I had the same feeling while we were close to it!" said Ethan, remembering the cold shiver that had run down his spine when he had looked into the forest.

They went back to the camp with firewood and set up a fire. They all had their dinner and settled down for the night. 

Suddenly, Ethan felt something in his pocket rattle and noticed that it was the lunar locket. He opened it, and the mirror maiden was there waiting for him.

"Hello, you are going into the forest of fiends?" she asked, looking pale. "It's a perilous place!"

"Yes. I felt so too," said Ethan looking in the direction of the forest!

"Well, you can use the lunar locket to guide you. It will choose the safest direction by oscillating in the right direction."

"So it will swing in the direction we should take?" asked Ethan, wanting to make sure he understood what the maiden in the mirror was saying.

"Yes. That is right," said the Maiden in the Mirror, smiling. "Alright, it's time to go to bed. Remember what I said!"

"I will. Goodnight!" said Ethan shutting the locket.

The following day, Ethan woke up early. Surprisingly, he found that most of the others were awake as well. Roland had just got up.

"Good morning, Ethan!" he said, getting up from his sleeping bag.

"Good morning," said Ethan, sitting upon his sleeping bag. He got out and bundled it up, ready to pack it.

They had their breakfast, and Ethan told the chief of the gypsies what the Maiden in the Mirror had said.

The chief listened and said, "Well, Ethan, then you should lead the way with your locket, and we will follow!"

When they were all about to leave, Ethan got in front of the men and took out his locket. Immediately it started swinging in the direction of the forest.

They all followed Ethan, who was keeping his eyes on the locket. Whichever way the locket swayed, Ethan followed it, and the rest of the company followed Ethan.

The trees looked ominous, and suddenly clump of trees on a side stretches out their branches as if to grab them. They swayed without, and wind and the company started keeping their eyes fixed on Ethan, who in turn was keeping his eyes set on the locket.

They went through the trees making their way further and further into the forest. The skies above turned from light to dark, and they still went on.

Far away, they could see something rising out of the tops of the trees. Something that looked forbidding, even at a distance. But they kept on going, moving closer and closer towards it.

"That must be the terrible tower, also known as the troll tower!" said the chief, pointing in the direction of the tower.

The tower came into view. There was a gate at the entrance. Ethan took his ring in his hands and concentrated. It turned into a key, and he unlocked the padlock.

They entered the garden, and a giant dog came running towards them. Ethan quickly stretched his hand, and the ring launched forward and hit the dog on the forehead.

The dog fell in mid-run with its eyes shut. It snored. It was fast asleep.

They climbed up a set of stairs and went to the front door. Etan used his ring and opened the door. They got their weapons ready and looked around. There was no one to be seen.

They went inside, and there was a strangle looking creature standing between them and the stairway. Ethan directed his ring towards the creature standing in the middle, but it bounced off him.

"I was made by the most powerful wizard that ever lived using star stone. I'm immune to all magic!" said the stone creature leering at Ethan.

"We need to get past you! How can we do that?"

"Well, answer my riddle, of course! What else do you think? I only hope any one of you are smart enough to do so!"

"Alright, beast, go ahead!" said the chief, who was anxious to get on with the quest.

"Alright, beast, go ahead!" said the chief, who was anxious to get on with the quest.

"I grow big and grow small,

I make the sea rise and fall,

And I shinned with borrowed light,

I'm the lovers and the poet's delight!"

"Easy, it's the moon," said the chief as soon as the creature had finished reciting the riddle.

"What, there is a second riddle too."

"There are three, actually!" said the creature swishing its tail.

"I am always going,

Onwards forever rushing,

I never look back,

I keep on going on my track!"

"How many guesses do we have?"

"Three," said the creature licking its paws.

"Is it a train track!" answered Ethan, not thinking much.

"Wrong. Two more guesses!"

"Well, I feel like it's a stream!" said Roland after a few seconds.

"Right you are, young man!" said the creature looking at Roland.

"The sun hides our glory,

And we carry many a story,

Many have dreamt of us through generations,

We look over all nations!"

"Now that's hard!" said the chief. "The sun hides our glory..." he repeated.

Then Ethan jumped up. "Constellations! am I right?"

"That is right!" said the creature and stepped aside from the stairway. "You may proceed.''

So everyone proceeded on up the stairs. Up they climbed and came to the next level. There was a door barring the way. Writing appeared on the door. It said, "look below!" Ethan tried to open it and then looked below.

Below the door was a puzzle and there was a note. "Make me and stand on me to open the door!"

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