The Valley of Valkeries

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"Well, I thought as much," said Roland looking back at Ethan. "You look like one."

"Well, thank you, I don't know what to say!" said Ethan, "It's both a privilege and a great responsibility."

"Well, the terrain is changing. I think we are leaving behind the wood," said Roland looking around him. It's getting rather dark. I think we better find a good place to camp!"

"Yes. I think so too," said Etha looking at the sky that was the colour of a brightly burning fire in a fireplace.

Just then, the chief put his hand up and said, "We better stop for the night. They unpacked sleeping bags. "Ethan, could you go find some firewood for the fire with your friend."

Then Roland and Ethan went in search of firewood. Roland carried an axe, and Ethan followed him. Roland chopped off wood and piled them into bundles so that they could carry the bundles.

While they were returning with the bundles of wood, they stopped when they heard a horse voice that said, "Spare something to eat, could you?

They turned around and saw a silver-haired woman and saw that she was dressed in rags. Dust covered her face, and she was leaning on a staff as if she was tired of standing up.

"Well, come to our camp, we will give you something to eat," said Roland, and together, they went back to the campsite.

The chief saw the lady and asked who she was. "She wants something to eat," said Roland stepping in for her.

"Oh, alright," said the chief and rummaged amongst the bags and fished out a loaf of bread and handed it out to her.

Instantly, there was a plash, and instead of an older woman, a young woman was standing there in a brilliant white dress.

Everyone gasped. "Who are you?" asked the chief, who managed to find his voice before the other.

"I'm the queen of the daisies. I'm the daisy dame!" she said smiling. I will guide you through the valley of valkyries.

"That would be helpful as none of us has crossed it before," said the chief.

"When are you leaving?" asked the Daisy Dame. "We will leave tomorrow morning.!"

"Great, I will meet you here in the morning," she said, bowing. Then there was a flash and she disappeared.

They all sat down to eat dinner. It was bread with broth. Ethan sat beside Roland.

 Diagon had changed himself to a dog and lay by the fire. Ethan looked at him and thought, "no one could tell that he could turn into a dragon in a flash!"

After eating, they went to their sleeping bags and lay down. Some of the men stood by to keep watch. The others crawled into their sleeping bags and settled in for the night.

The night passed, and soon it was morning. The sky was rosy when Ethan yawned. He got out of the sleeping bag and folded it.

 They had a quick breakfast and was about to set off.

There was a flash, and the daisy Dame was standing right in front of them. "Come along, follow me!"

She was riding on a white horse. Only it wasn't a horse. It had a horn and was white as snow.

"Is that a...?" asked Ethan, unable to believe his eyes.

"I think it is a unicorn!" said Roland looking at the white creature.

They all got onto their donkeys and started to follow the lady. Diagon transformed into a black stallion, and Ethan and Roland got on to him, and they were all on the road.

There entered the valley where there were trees scattered here and there. There were wildflowers everywhere, and mostly there were daisies.

As they walked on ahead, the sun shone brightly. Butterflies fluttered about, bees buzzed, and skylarks flew about, making zig-zag patterns in the sky.

A sudden shriek filled the air, and Ethan looked into the sky in the direction from which he had heard the scream. There in the sky, was a strange shape. At first, he thought it might be a big bird, but it was too big to be a bird.

The Daisy Dame told everyone to halt and rode her unicorn around the group muttering something under her breath. A mist covered them that rose out of the ground.

There was another shriek, and none could see anything but the Daisy Dame.

"Those are the valkyries. They can't see us now. Just follow me," she said, and all of them did so without question. There were more sounds of shrieking and screaming coming from the air, but they kept following the Daisy Dame. They hear arrows whizzing past them, but not one of them touched anyone in the company.

They travelled on following the Daisy Dame, all the while being shot by arrows from the valkyries.

Ethan wondered why the valkyries might be attacking them and decided to ask the Daisy Dame once they crossed the valley.

Once they had crossed the valley, the valkyries' shouts, shrieks and screams became distant, and the Daisy Dam lifted her hands, and the mist left them. They had arrived at the edge of a forest.

"Why did the valkyries attack us?" asked Ethan from the Daisy Dame just as she was about to leave. Everyone thanked the Daisy Dame for guiding and protecting them against the valkyries.

"They are protecting their valley from hunters and poachers!" said the Daisy Dame and went on to add, "Many magical creatures are live there besides the usual ones. That valley is scared to them, and they guard it with their lives!"

"Are you coming to the rest of the journey with us?" asked Ethan, wanting to know for sure.

"No, dear, it is up to you to guard them. I have a lot to attend to, and I need to leave! I hope our paths cross again."

"Well, the tower is in the middle of the Forest of Fiends!" said the chief looking at the map he had unfolded.

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