The Fight

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Drizzlemister, Diana and Ethan gathered around the dagger. "Lady's first," he said, looking at Diana and stepping aside. Diana went to the blade and pulled it. She pulled, and she pulled, and it didn't budge an inch even though she tugged at it.

No matter how hard she tugged, she couldn't pull the dagger out of the tree. Finally, she said, "Why don't you give it a try?"

Then Drizzelmsiter turned to the tree and went up to the dagger. He tugged and tugged at the blade. The ring in his hand started glowing. But he couldn't make the blade budge an inch. He wrung his hands, frustrated!

"Here, Ethan, come and give it a try!" said Drizzlemister moving aside. Ethan strolled towards the dagger stuck in the old oak tree. He put his hand on the handle and pulled it out with ease. The ring on his finger was glowing bright like a glowing ember!

"Looks like we have the one we have been waiting for!" said the lady bowing low to Ethan.

Ethan looked at the dagger. Its blade gleamed in the sunlight, and its edge was encrusted in jewels.

"How am I supposed to slay the monster?" asked Ethan, putting down the dagger.

"Strike it anywhere with the dagger, and it will die! The blade is enchanted!"

"Alright, I'll be back!" said Ethan, who liked to get things done as soon as he could. He looked at Diagon and nodded, and he turned into a dragon and then flew towards the Lake. When they came to the Lake, Ethan leapt out of Diagon's back right into the Lake. At first, there was no sign of the Lake Lurker, but in a moment, Ethan heard the gushing sound of its approach, and as soon as he was within arm's length, he thrust the dagger at it and stabbed it as hard as he could.

The beast shrieked, and there was a flash, and the water was filled with black flakes that floated like muddy snowflakes in the Lake's water. Ethan emerged onto the surface of the Lake where Diagon was hovering above.

Then he got on to Diagons back, and he flew back to where they had left Drizzlemister, Diana and the lady. 

He noticed that the lady no longer was wearing the mask. She had thick golden hair hanging down up to her waist! "That was fast!" she said, bowing. "I owe you a heartfelt thank you!"

"We should get going!" said Drizzlemister. "The more we delay, the more we put Terrestia at risk!"

"Yes, that is true!" said Diana, looking at the sun. It was nearly setting, and the sky was flaming orange. "It will be night soon!"

"Yeah, time to go to the petrified palace! Do you have the map, by the way?"

"No, but I can guide you there. I'm in the process of that palace! We need the Heroe's horn to awaken everyone from their certified state!"

"Was it you?" asked Ethan, finally realising how the palace might have become petrified!

"Yes, it was me! I turned everyone in the palace to stone without meaning to do so!"

"Well, come along with us then!" said Drizzlemister, and they all got on to Diagon and set off. They flew past the hills and through the blue skies. The land spread like a painting below them.

"We must fly past the hills first!" said the lady pointing towards them.

They flew and came to the sea and flew over the vast blue waters. The sea breeze was refreshing, and they all felt refreshed. Diagon kept on flying until the land became visible in the distance.

"Where is the palace?" asked Diagon looking around.

"Keep flying. It is in the middle of the country!" said the lady, and Diagon nodded and kept on flying. After some time, a river came into view below them. "It is close now. Just a few miles ahead!"

Finally, the lady said. "there it is!"

They landed in the palace gardens and went in. Everything was quiet, and there was no sound to be heard. The palace garden was overgrown with trees, bushes and brambles. Bees, birds and butterflies were flying about in the garden. They found their path through the undergrowth.

They found the castle doors open, and the guards at the gate turned to stone. They went inside the palace and found courtiers turned to stone. They walked into the rock, and tears fell from the princesses eyes.

"We should do a group spell and see if we can break the spell," said Drizzlemister, and then all of them stretched out their hands, and their rings all shot out glowing from their hands. They merged into a ball of gold. It pulsed and dazzled, and as Dizzlemister, Diana, and the Lady chanted, the stone crust fell off the king, and the queen and everyone around them and they were awakened from their long petrifaction.

They awakened and looked around. The princess shot forward and went and hugged her parents. Everyone realised what had happened and there was cheering and hugging. "Long live the princess! The king and the queen!" they chanted together.

Soon, the servants prepared a banquet, and the princess explained everything to her parents about how Ethan had rescued her. She also explained how Drizzlemister and Diana had helped as well.

A feast was held in their honour. Then a messenger came from the king's brother, who had assumed rule, saying that he wasn't ready to give up the throne to the king, who was still the rightful ruler of the kingdom.

"This means war!" said the king got up. "You must help us!" he said, turning to Drizzlemister, Diana and Ethan. I don't have mich troops with me, but I don't want to give in without a fight. After all, it is my right, and he is my stepbrother."

"But your majesty, we are already on a mission. We have to be moving on as soon as possible!" said Drizzlermister bowing low.

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