The Mission

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They went back to the castle, and the dancing had begun. Some were wearing masks, and everyone was twirling and swirling in the ballroom. The ladies looked like floating butterflies with their long silky dresses trailing behind them. The music sounded so beautiful. The fairies played pipes and fiddles, and the dancing went on well past midnight.

Then Ethan went to Drizzlemister, seated on a chair by the fireplace in a chamber with Diana. Ethan told everything he had heard from the lady.

"I'm sorry to say you are on your own for this Ethan, Diana and I have to get back to our lives."

"I have Diagon," said Ethan, looking down at Diagon, who had now taken the shape of a wolf.

"Well, in that case, if you've made up your mind, I hope you succeed in your quest. The Wonderful Wood is a magical place. It holds many secrets and many dangers alike!"

"I will do my best to help the lady," said Ethan, remembering how distressed she looked.

"I will assist him," said Diagon sitting down by the fire. Ethan sat on another chair. He remembered the wood wraiths from his previous visit to the Wonderful Wood. He felt terrified, but he knew that with Diagon, he had a good chance of helping the robbers who had been turned into wraiths.

Ethan felt sleepy. He yawned.

"You better set off early in the morning," said Drizzlemister, looking at the grandfather's clock on one side of the room.

"You better get a shut-eye," said Diana as Ethan yawned once again.

Ethan was escorted to a room by a guard at the request of Drizzlemister. Ethan got into bed and fell fast asleep. In his dreams, he dreamt about the Ownderfuln wood, the gipsies and the wraiths. 

He was woken up early in the morning by Diagon. Then he wrote a letter addressed to Drizzlemister and Diana bidding them farewell and that he was setting off for the Wonderful Wood.

The morning air was cool, and the sun shone mildly as Diagon soared through the sky, which was the colour of forget me not. Ethan looked at the world spread below him like a colourful emerald carpet.

The morning air was cool, and the sun shone mildly as Diagon soared through the sky, which was the colour of forget me not. Ethan looked at the world spread below him like a colourful emerald carpet.

They flew, and they flew. The sky turned from blue to a fiery orange as the sunset. They set down for the night on a field by a stream. Ethan stretched his hand, turned his ring into a pike, speared some fish, roasted them on fire, and ate it. He gave some of it to Daigon too.

The next day they set off, hoping to make it to the gipsy camp. Ethan saw a thin trail of smoke rising in the distance above the canopy of trees.

"That must be the camp," said Ethan pointing towards it.

Diagon flew towards the whisp of smoke rising from the treetops. He found an opening in the canopy of trees and landed. Then there was a flash, and he turned into a wolf.

Diagon sniffed the ground and ran into the trees. Ethan followed behind. They went through trees, weaving their way among bushes and finally arrived at the camp of the gipsies.

Ethan was first seen by a boy who ran and told his father. Soon, Ethan was with the chief of the gipsies. Ethan told him why he had come.

"We were attacked by them a few days back. It was difficult fending them off," he said as they went into the chief's camp.

"They are at their most powerful when there is no moon, right?" asked Diagon sitting down by Ethan.

"Yes, they do," said the man, "The only way to get rid of them forever is to turn them back into their original shape!"

"How is one supposed to do that!" asked Ethan tying his shoelace that had come loose.

"Well, you need to sprinkle them with water from the spell stream!"

"In the moon mountain!" said the chief and rang the best on his table. Immediately a man came, and he said, "get our guest something to drink and eat."

The man bowed and went out of the tent. "Where is that?" asked Ethan, who had never heard of it before.

"I know where it is!" said Diagon as a man came in carrying the tree.

"It is only visible in the moonlight," said the chief as Ethan took an apple from the man trey.

 Ethan took one for Diagon and handed it to him. 

That night they slept soundly.

That night they slept soundly. The following morning they set off in search of the moon mountain. The chief gave Ethan a container to fill in water from the spell stream. They flew all day. It was a night with a full moon. 

The stream glitters and sparkles in the moonlight. There was no one to be seen. Everything was silent.

Ethan bent down to fill in the container.

 The stream glitters and sparkles in the moonlight. There was no one to be seen. Everything was silent.

Ethan bent down to fill in the container. Then he suddenly heard singing. "Quick, grab some mud from the banks of the stream and stuff your ears with it," said Diagon, and Ethan quickly put the container aside and stuffed his ears with mud. 

Then on the other side of the stream were strange-looking women with the head of a woman and the body of what looked like a swan.

"Sirens," said Diagon and opened his mouth and shot out a stream of fire towards them, on which they stopped singing and shrieked and flew off into the distance.

Ethan filled his container in the sparkling spell stream and got on to Diagon's back.

"Where now?" asked Ethan as Diagon took off into the sky.

"We have to find a way to capture the wraiths!" said Diagon as they left the mountains behind them.

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