The Gorgon's Garden

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They flew through the sky, and the mountain came closer and closer. Then rain clouds came floating and crowded the sky. Soon the blue sky turned grey, and raindrops started falling. Diagon beat his wings harder and harder, and they landed on a cliff edge.

They walked up the steps in silence which seemed to go on and on. They kept climbing. It got colder and colder the higher up they went. Despite the rain pelting down on them and the steps being slippery, they kept trudging on.

They finally arrived at the top of the stairway and were facing a gate that glittered gold. On either side of the gate stood two gargoyles.

"Now, how are we going to get in?" asked Drizzlemister, looking at the gates that seemed to tower above them. Then the two gargoyles sitting on the pillars came and settled down in front of the gates.

"If you want to enter, you will have to answer the riddles we have for you!" said one of the gargoyles.

"Do you want to continue into the garden of the Gorgon?" asked the other gnome, looking at them with his glowing eyes.

"I am the mistress of the night,

I am the traveller's delight,

I shine with borrowed light,

I am silver and bright!

What am I?"

"That's easy, the moon!" said Ethan, laughing.

"That's correct!" said the gargoyle who had asked the riddle, and then he launched into the next riddle.

"I linger when all is dark,

Yet I leave a mark,

Mark on the mind,

While you are blind,

What am I?"

"That's a tough one," said Drizzlemister, "is it sleep?"

"No. but it is close!" said the gargoyle. "Two more chances!"

"It's a dream!" said Drizzlemister, said twirling his beard.

"Right, that's correct!" said the gargoyle batting its wings.

"Alright, then time for the next riddle without further ado," and the gargoyle launched into the next riddle.

"In the beginning, I lie,

Very like to what comes out of the eye,

I dazzle in the light,

And disappear in it as the sun does at night!

"Oh, I know the answer to that one. Any gardener will think of that at once. It is a dewdrop!"

"Right you are, madam," said the gargoyle, and both of the gargoyles flew up to their pedestals and settled on them. The gates opened by themselves, and Ethan, Diana and Drizzlemister entered the gardens.

It was a queer garden. The trees were laden with fruits and flowers, and the leaves were, when upon close examination, made of gold! The fruits and flowers were made of precious jewels. Ethan was tempted to pluck fruit, and that is what he did.

Then the earth beneath them tumbled and rumbled like an earthquake, and out of the ground shot green walls of bushes. Thet looked around. Bushes surrounded them.

"It is as if we are in a maze now," said Ethan looking all around him. "I'm sorry that I plucked a berry out of that tree. I thought since there was so many that it wouldn't matter!"

"Well, the little things matter. The things we don't think much about end up being the things that matter the most!" said Drizzlemister, walking towards an opening in the bushes.

They followed Drizzlemister as he went on ahead, his cloak trailing on the ground. Suddenly the maze, which it was, filled in with fog. Drizzlemister stretched his hand, and his ring flew out of his hand and shone like a floating lantern.

Ethan and Diana followed on. The fog made them feel sleepy, and it was fragrant. It smelled of summer flowers, and it was soothing. Then there came soft music, and Ethan found his feet moving against his will. Diana found so too!

"Quick, take your rings and say this spell after me!" said Drizzlemister, and they repeated a spell after him and immediately, feet were under their control.

They went on walking ahead, and the fog thickened. "This won't do!" said Drizzlemister. Let's do a spell together!"

Then he said, looking at Diana and Ethan, "do as I do!" and he stretched out his hand and muttered words that Ethan hadn't heard before but repeated as he heard them.

The rings shot out of their hands, merged into a big ball of light, shot up into the sky, burst into something that looked like fireworks more than anything else.

The mist cleared and they walked ahead on and on. Then suddenly, Ethan found that he couldn't move. When he looked at his feet he saw that a skeletal arm was holding him in place. Ethan didn't think twice. He took his ring and concentrated and watched it as it turned into a sword!

Then he swung the sword, and the skeletal hand was shattered and scattered in bits!

"Watch out! Look over there!" said Diana pointing at what looked like a giant green tree. But upon looking closer, Ethan noticed that they were none other than giant bees! They were as big as basketballs and were coming straight at them! Drizzlemister stretched his hand, and the ring came off his hand, and it started to spin round in the air, creating a massive blast of wind that scattered the bees away from them! A quick run to the pond in front, jump right in and stay underwater as long as you can!

The bees were blown away and they ran towards the pond and plunged into the waters. Ethan held his breath as long as he could. The ring in his hand glowed and he found that he could breathe underwater as easily as he could breathe above water. He looked around and saw that Diana and Drizzlemister had their rings on as well. They too were glowing gold and Drizzlemister beckoned them to follow him!

Diana and Ethan followed Drizzlemister and sawm on and on! The lake was larger than they had expected and seemed to be much deeper! Then Ethan suddenly felt something slimy wrap around his leg!

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