The Witch

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"We will have to see the witch of the wetlands," said Diagon as they flew towards the rising sun.

"Why?" asked Ethan, thinking they already had everything they needed to go ahead with the mission.

"Well, she will tell us how to capture the wraiths. After all, we need to figure out a way to capture them before we can get the water on them!"

"Well, then let's go," said Ethan getting on to Diagon. Diagon took off into the sky. The sun was coming up, and the sky was turning pale blue.

The stars were slowly fading. They flew on and on until they were flying throughout flat land with trees spread here and there.

There weren't any houses to be seen. Then from far above, Ethan saw something that looked like the roof of a home, and Diagon started to descend towards it.

When he landed, Ethan slid off his back. There was a flash as he turned into a wolf. They walked towards the door. "Should I knock?" asked Ethan looking at the door.

"Of course, do you want to stay here at the doorstep?"

"Okay then," said Ethan and knocked on the door. There was the sound of footsteps, and the door creaked open.

Standing by the doorway was a short, hunched woman with a pointed nose. She wore a tall pointy hat and had a long silver staff in her left hand.

"How can I help you," she asked in a hoarse voice that sounded like the cowing of a crow.

"We need some advice," said Ethan bowing.

"Come in, come in, it is nice to have someone well mannered come visit!" she said and then added, pointing her stick at Diagon. "He is a shapeshifter, isn't he?"

"Yes," said Diagon, coming forward and bowing. "I'm no ordinary wolf!"

"I thought as much," said the silver-haired woman putting her stick down.

"Well, thank you," said Ethan stepping indoors. It was a very narrow passage, and they all walked down it and came to a dimly lit hall.

Despite it being a hot day, the fire was burning in the fireplace and over it was a caldron with blue smoke pouring out of it.

"Come and sit down," said the woman. What is your name, dear?" she asked as she hobbled off into the house.

"Ethan," Ethan said, looking around him. The room was filled with candles and crystal dreamcatchers that made it look quite unlike any place Ethan had been to before.

The room was warm and cosy. The witch came back carrying a large tray. In it were waffles and scones. Ethan took one each and handed one to Diagon. They both ate without talking much because they had not had anything to eat for a while.

After they had had their fill, Ethan told everything the lady had told him about her brother and how Ethan had plans to rescue him.

"That is very noble of you, your highness," said the woman winking at Ethan, "I know that you are the rightful heir to the kingdom of Marshdom."

"I have my ways," she said, winking. "I'm honoured to have you in my presence. You are as noble as they say you are!"

"Well, I don't know that! All I want is to help that poor lady and help her get back her brother."

"Well, if you need advice on that, you have come to the right place, your royal highness!" said the woman bowing. "I'm one of the few who can help you!"

"Well, how can I help?" asked Ethan as he looked into the fire where the pot was spitting out blue smoke. The woman went and tapped the pot with her staff, and the fire went out. The poet blue smoke slowly dispersed.

"To use the water on the wraiths, you need to capture them first?" said the woman and added, "which can only be done with special nets."

"Where can we get them?" Ethan asked as the woman stirred the pot with a spoon.

"Well, we will have to go to the goblin market and check if they have anything available. If they don't, we will have to make the net ourselves!"

"Shall we go now?'' asked Ethan, looking at the lady tasting what had been cooking in the pot. Instantly there was a flash, and her hair grew black, and she grew thinner. She was no longer the older woman she had been a few moments ago. Now she was a beautiful young woman.

"Well, it does feel great to be young, though this spell won't last for long!" said the woman smiling.

"How long will it last?" asked Ethan, interested to know how spells worked.

"Just a day. One of my friends wanted it! It is a beauty spell for her daughter. She wants to impress the son of a wealthy merchant!"

"Well, I will get ready and come," said the woman going into a room. Ethan waited, and in a short time, she was back again.

She was carrying a broomstick and said, "Come along, let's step out!"

Ethan followed her out of the door, and when they were out, she shut the door.

She got on to the broomstick, looked at Ethan, and said, "Come along, hop behind me!"

"I can come on Diagon," said Ethan, who hadn't ridden on a broomstick before!

But you will be drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. It is safer this way," said the woman and Ethan decided that what she said was true and hopped on to the broomstick. There was a flash, and Diagon turned into a squirrel and hopped onto Ethan's shoulder.

Then the witch struck her foot on the floor and took off. At first, Ethan felt uneasy sitting on the broomstick, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as he thought it would be.

Soon they were flying closer to the clouds. The wind was blowing in Ethan's ear, and he looked down at the countryside below him, stretching like a mat underneath him.  They flew on and on. The which began to ing a little song as they flew. 

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