The Lunar Lake

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"Well, now you know the truth. I will tell you everything when you return in detail. For now, you should go. Both of our worlds are in grave danger, and I believe that only you can save both."

"How can you be so sure?" asked Ethan, as the Mistress of the Marsh held out her hand above the bowl, and the ring came flashing up out of the water with a splash and slipped on to her outstretched finger.

"It says so in the parchment of prophecies," said the Mistress of the Marsh. "Well, the destiny of our worlds rests in your hands. I wish you a safe journey, chosen one!"

"It says so in the parchment of prophecies," said the Mistress of the Marsh. "Well, the destiny of our worlds rests in your hands. I wish you a safe journey, chosen one!"

"We better set off," said Drizzlemister looking out of the window. It was nearly evening. "We need to make up for the lost time as well."

"Farewell," said the Mistress of the Marsh, bowing. Ethan, Drizzlemister and Diana, bowing back.

Then they waved goodbye. Ethan, Drizzlemister and Diana found their horses waiting for them. They got on and rode down the paved paths.

They exited the city and went on till they came to a barren plain, arid and vacant. There were trees like poles sticking out of the ground here and there. They went on until the night fell, and they arrived at a vast lake.

"Let's camp here tonight," said Drizzlemister as he got off the horse and unpacked the bundles on to the floor. Then he stretched out his hand everything came out of their bags. The tents began to pull themselves together.

Diana took out her handkerchief and put it on the ground. Then she stretched her hand over it. The ring on her hand began to glow.

 Then there were several flashes, and when they faded, there were dishes filled with different types of food spread out. They sat down and began to eat. Ethan had never tasted buns and pastries as delicious as the ones that had appeared on the handkerchief once they had done eating everything on it disappeared.

Ethan yawned. He was feeling sleepy. Suddenly, the silence shattered with the sound of soft singing. 

"Who can it be?" asked Diana, looking towards the lake. A mild breeze blew, ruffling the leaves of the willows the bank. They got up and went to the edge of the lake. They looked around, but there was no one to be seen. But the singing kept getting louder.

 The full moon was shining down on the lake, turning the milky water white. The lake was rippling less and as still as a looking glass reflecting starry heavens were reflected on its still surfaced. Still, the sound of the singing kept growing louder until they could hear the words of the song.

We sing our song, our melody,

Which our ancestors sang,

We will keep on singing until eternity,

Until the world explodes in a bang!

We sing our melody, our tune,

For the maiden in the moon,

The maiden of the seven seas,

We are her servants, and we aim to please!

We chant our song in the night,

Under the radiant light,

Of the beautiful moon,

We sing our music, our tune!

Then something underneath the lake broke the lake's still surface into a dozen ripples, bubbles and foam and out popped heads of women. Ethan stared, unable to believe what he was seeing. They came bobbing towards some rocks close to the shore of the lake and clambered on to them. They had scaly fish-like tails instead of legs, but their waist upwards looked like a human though covered in silver scales.

"Are they...mermaids?" asked Ethan, looking at the creatures sitting on the rocks. They kept singing, and a cloud came down from the sky and descended on the surface of the lake. Then out of the cloud emerged a woman dressed in shining silver robes that shone. She had long silver hair, and she walked on the lake's surface as if she was walking on the shore of the lake.

"Yes. Those are mermaids," said Drizzlemister looking out into the lake. "It is rare to see them. I've never seen them until today in all my life at Celestia."

"I haven't seen them before either," said Diana gazing at the singing mermaids and the lady walking on the surface of the lake.

"Who is the woman in silver?" asked Ethan looking at the figure now nearly upon the shore. The mermaids leapt off the rocks.

"If I'm not mistaken, it must be the queen of the moon!" said Drizzlemister as the woman walked on out of the lake and stepped on the pebbly shore.

"I'm Drizzlemister, and this is Diana and Ethan," said Druiazzlmister stepping forwards and bowing. "It's an honour to meet your majesty."

"Likewise," said the moon maiden and then, turning to Ethan, said, "I sense great power in you, Ethan. Would you like to receive my blessings?"

Ethan looked at Drizzlemister, who nodded. "Yes. I would," he said, stepping forward. The moon maiden came to him and put her hand on his head.

"Instantly, she gasped. My long lost son! It is you!" she said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm your son?" asked Ethan looking at the beautiful silver-haired lady. "

"Yes. You were stolen from me by a hag. I've been searching for you all my life. I've searched all over Celestia without avail."

"That is because the hag took him to Teresita. He was living there all this time until Ethan, you tell why you came here," said Drizzlemister.

Ethan told everything. From the moment the dragon had flown out of the notebook to the moment he came to the lake.

"Well, I'm glad I met you. Today is the happiest day of my life!" She clapped her hands, and the mermaids burst into a song. The moon maiden hugged Ethan tight, and for the first time in his life, Ethan felt like he belonged.

Then she let go of him and told Ethan of how far she had travelled in search of him, in the form of a cloud. 

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